Responses from milpai
Sad to hear the good people at Timbernation had a fire (and no insurance). It was just miscommunication. You were in insurance business and still you miscommunicated with the folks on this forum? That information you provided would definitely set the correct tone for responses. | |
Need tube help! As @oddiofyl mentioned - NOS are $$$. But once you experience them, it is painful to imagine life without them. And this is coming from a person who resisted tubes for couple of decades. You can try the Gold Lions or Psvanes. In the "current prod... | |
Headphones vs speakers…. Isn't it all about what a person likes and their priorities? Both approaches are great and both are right. It depends on one's priorities. The headphone fanatics love the clarity, surround, etc, stuff that they need. My max involvement in headpho... | |
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta @yyzsantabarbara , you like your Musetec DAC. And there were folks who quickly sold it, because it did not sound good to them. Point is - not everyone hears the same. As more and more people experience these amps, we will know a better picture. On... | |
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta @bardolf , How does the GaN 1 perform in your primary system? | |
Best DACs under $7,000.00 @ricevs You need to take it easy man. I am now starting to suspect if you have an agenda. Maybe not. But same thing again and again over an amp sounds suspicious. At the same time, I wonder if you are even take a breath while creating a post! | |
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing We have several reports now that leaving the amps on helps them sound better. Good to know this Ralph. But it is not an option when you have a tube preamp - right? | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) People that don’t know don’t care IMO and IME. And my story does not support this. If they have not heard anything better, then yes, they would not know. This is the second time. Last time was in 2019, when a friend came over for a listen and ... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) @thyname , Man, that sucks. But to the common person, "it" (that is how they refer to audio systems) should make "loud music". That's all they care for. Such folks need to be educated. My colleagues told me that they had heard "about high end" a... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) @grislybutter Not sure why you should be disillusioned by what others are saying. IT's your choice - you should do what you feel like. if you love music, you won’t be obsessed with gear, because music is perfectly and fully enjoyable with decen... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) Also, if there are people who pay $50 per month to get reviews of audio equipment that is heard by someone else, then it's a shame that they are ready to spend $50k on speakers/amps/sources and cannot spend $500 on a plane ticket to listen to such... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) I am not here to support or diss Andrew. But here is my story: Last month I invited 3 colleagues home, who love audio. One has a bluegrass band (he plays the banjo), the other records and does DJ while the last one is a very young guy (compared t... | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts He is going to light it up here before all said and done @thyname , you are so right. And he keeps forgetting to take his medication🙄 | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts Just like we know that while sight varies among humans, no one is seeing X-rays! As usual, you science guys always go to the extreme. Looks like life for you is digital - 0 or 1. Based on your "vision" example, look up "Veronica Seider" and her... | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts I guess I've just been diagnosed as insane ;-) Your conclusion, not mine 🙂 And that phrase was from the deleted original thread. I cannot forget that - because it reflected arrogance. He also mentioned that he was the head of some department i... |