
Responses from mirolab

Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@ellajeanelle Your complaint about noisy EQ is justifiable by your comment that you’ve tried many 31-band and graphic EQs. Graphic EQs are the worst! They were designed for live sound where you need to get quick control of a room, but all those b... 
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system
I borrowed a lowly little Schiit Moduis from a friend and was shocked by how good it was for just $229.  So of course I one-upped him and bought the Bifrost.  I'm super happy with it.   Then I thought I'd go even better for my other system, and g... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I have a home studio... not a fully decked out commercial studio.  My best AD/DA converters are on my Lynx Hilo... a $2500 box for 2-channel converters.  As good as they are for the money, I can still hear a generation loss if I send a full mix ou... 
Value of a preamp?
The VALUE is in the features a preamp provides. There are MANY different types and features. To me, the 2 main features are Input Switching and Gain Control. Now of course if you have only 1 source and it has volume control, then by all means try... 
Ortofon Cadenza vs. old Ortofon MC30 Super2 ?
The long awaited follow up (for nobody listening)... I’ve answered my own question. I finally got a Cadenza Blue, and it is everything I want out of a cartridge! Tonal balance is perfect (for me). Dynamics are tremendous. Distortion is low. No iss... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I've had the hankering for getting a new DAC, and noticed that the RME ADI-2 DAC has lots of cool features, among them being 5-bands of parametric EQ.  Right now I'm using a studio equalizer only for vinyl playback, but having digital EQ right the... 
One DAC to Rule it All
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you go digital into your Driverack, where are you doing your Volume control?  You'd have to do it digitally, before the Driverack. What are your choices of an all digital preamp? I have done this with a Lynx Hi... 
Going from MM to MC
I'm a long time Ortofon MC user, and fan.  I've strayed a few times to other brands, only to come back to the Ortofon sound.  Most recently I tried a Soundsmith Zephyr II.  I wanted to get something with more output (less noise). I liked it OK....... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@tattooedtrackman Look at the SkyFi video at 49:00 and see what circuitry $3000 buys you, and then look at the Massive Passive video, and look at what $6000 buys you.  There is certainly more than twice as much going on in the Manley unit! I'm no... 
Martin Logan vs. Everything
@tony1954 As for the @secretguy post.... his words were completely civil and exactly addressed the Original Post. He did not say he "hated" anything, nor did he proclaim that M-L sucks. He simply stated what he liked and disliked. How is that dump... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
a brand called Golden Age Project EQ81.It's designed to distort and ad noise to simulate older recordings played through older tubed equipment. @jtcf That's called an EQ81 because they are emulating the sound (and circuitry) of the classic Neve... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@tlcocks Sorry, if Revive audio themselves cannot tell you why their unit is finicky with certain cables, then I certainly cannot.... not without a schematic, which I'm certain they would deny me!  They even put tape seals on the lid screws so if ... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Can you change the numbers to replicate distortion? I’m not sure although I do not see why not. A number can not be distorted, it can only be changed. @mijostyn Your statement above tells me you have no experience in doing digital signal proces... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
A number can not be distorted. It can only be changed. @mijostyn Yikes! THAT’s your defense of DSP superiority?? Then clearly you misunderstand what a digital stream is representing. The numbers are describing the analog waveform, and if you CH... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
An alternative to having an equaliser in the system is to take the recording into a DAW and remaster it oneself. @yoyoyaya Yes, I do this on occasion, but it's more of an offline project, rather than simple pleasure listening.  One group that I...