Ortofon Cadenza vs. old Ortofon MC30 Super2 ?

I've been using an Ortofon MC-30 Super II for over 10 years now... it's an old design, but I love the sound.  
I bought a Soundsmith Zephyr mkII about 3 years ago, and while it's great, I simply don't love it as much as my old MC30.   Yes, the Zephyr is more resolving & lower distortion, but the MC30 is more punchy and musical.

I'm considering an Ortofon Cadenza.... Red or Blue...... probably Blue.    
Can anybody here tell me if Cadenza has a similar Ortofon family sound to my old MC-30 Super II ?
They've gotten rave reviews, but so did the Zephyr.... it's just personal preference & synergy at this point.

My Table is a 30yr old SOTA Sapphire/Premier MMT arm/Parasound JC3 preamp.  

Based on having an old MC20 still kicking around and having gone through the Cadenza / Kontrapunk / Windfeld / A90 lines - no, I don’t think a new Cadenza will the same "house" sound as your MC30 Super. The older motors used very low impedance coils coupled with large, relatively weak magnets (very different from the small strong neodymium in Cadenza). Honestly there's a kind of beauty to that type of motor’s sound (what you refer to as its musicality), though it’s also very demanding on your SUT and/or phono stage due to very low output levels.

Not saying you should’ve also give the modern sound a listen. But I’d definitely look into getting that MC30 refreshed if I were you!

Thanks for that perspective.  I'm sort of feeling that way about it.   My pre is no slouch (Parasound JC3) but when I run the MC30 direct, the noise floor IS an issue.  When I use my stepup transformers, the noise goes away completely, but it's not quite as transparent.   The SUT does make the mid-bass a bit thicker and punchy (nice).... but ultimately... slightly less transparent in the HFs.  It's nice to have the choice.  

The VAS service recommended above can put a new needle on it, and I might consider that.  And maybe I'll just add a decent MM cart to have something of a different flavor.  I haven't had an MM since the 80's, but I know that old 70's rock LPs can sound better with MMs.

The long awaited follow up (for nobody listening)... I’ve answered my own question. I finally got a Cadenza Blue, and it is everything I want out of a cartridge! Tonal balance is perfect (for me). Dynamics are tremendous. Distortion is low. No issues at the inner groove like with my old MC30super2. And the real surprise is how much quieter it runs. Dust & surface noise are reduced compared to all other cars I’ve owned. I simply love it.

As for comparing it directly with my old MC30 SuperII, the Cadenza Blue does have the same tonal balance and character, which is exactly what I was looking for. The Blue is, of course, better in every way.

I’ve also since, upgraded my Parasound JC3 to a JC3+. I went for it due to the greatly increased S/N ratio specs for the MC stage. While the JC3+ is quieter, it’s not the 8 dB quieter that the specs would imply. Rather the noise spectra is different and it sounds like they’ve reduced it in the upper mids the most. This is is a good thing, but it really only sounds about 2-3 dB quieter than the JC3. The + is also a bit more dynamic.

Trading up to the JC3+ ended up costing me about $1000, after selling my old one on Ebay. It’s hard to say if the improvement is really worth that much, but it’s done and I’m very happy with the JC3+. With the Cadenza Blue’s output of 0.5mV, the electronic noise floor is hardly an issue for me anymore.


I’m listening!

Was sitting here listening to my MC 30 Super wondering just good it is and where I should go next.

Thanks for the comparison and review!

Perhaps a Cadenza or something in that range is on the horizon.

@theflattire Cool that you are still running that old cart! There were some interim steps not mentioned. I first tried to replace it with a Soundsmith Zephyr mkII or mk3. ($1200) Very very nice cart.... but so nice that it was boring. I used it for a year and got used to it, but found I wasn’t listening so much. Then I put my old MC30 SuperII back on, and whoa! there it was. The excitement was back!! Even with its faults, I liked the MC30 better than the Zephyr.

I sold the Zephyr for ~600, and bought a used Quintet Black for $580. I liked it very much. Smooth and dynamic. Maybe just a tad warmer than what I was really looking for, but satisfactory. Probably the combination of Shibata + Boron put it on the warmer side. The fact that I liked it tho, meant to me that I’d probably like a Cadenza even better.

Then it happened! Ortofon had a 20% off any Cadenza with trade of an MC cart of ANY BRAND! Well... I had an old Blue Point Special maybe worth about $200 (if I was lucky) and I used that to get $400 off my Cadenza Blue.

I’ve still yet to try it with my Step-Up transformer (from the ’80’s). It’s a pretty good one i’m told, and it makes an MC totally noiseless, but with the slightest loss of some detail. Gives a bit more girth to the mid bass too, which is nice. I need to hook it up!