Responses from mofimadness
After a long, long sleep: ML-335 @musicfan2349...the ML335 will make those Acoustats "jump up and boogie!" I run a completely updated pair of 2+2's and was an Acoustat dealer for many years. GREAT speakers!!! | |
After a long, long sleep: ML-335 @terry9, guys are techs, right? I was always told that electrolytic caps age with ’"use", not with just "age". Is that true? The ML-335 was made in 1998. That makes it just 25 years old. Maybe new in box or demo unit. That's why... | |
After a long, long sleep: ML-335 @bigkidz, @erik_squires...+1 I was a Levinson dealer and they use VERY high quality parts. IMHO, you shouldn't have any problems, but use caution up front. | |
How do I put new banana connector on with other wires showing up after cutting ? It is indeed interconnect cable, (could be some weird-ass Monster Cable speaker cable. They did some bizarre stuff) but speaker ends. If you are near Northern Colorado, I’d be more than happy to help. We can use that wire, but would need to some ... | |
DH Labs power cables I just switched most of my AC Power cables over to DH Labs. I bought the cable bulk and put on really good ends and built them myself. Even made them really pretty. 😎 WOW!!! (Pangea is the only cable that I liked cold, out-of-box. Once it broke... | |
For those who always dreamed of owning a Nakamichi This is a good read about Nak’s history: The new Dragon: :-) | |
Thank You Fumihiko Sugano and Koetsu | |
For those who always dreamed of owning a Nakamichi Nak's downfall was getting into the "Life Style" section of crap. I was a dealer for a long time. It was very sad to see this happen. Once a great company... | |
What was your first record? Kenny Rogers and the First Edition-"Something's Burning" It was actually an 8-Track tape. | |
Superbly quiet LP playback LOVE Nina Simone!!! 😘 | |
RIP Jimmy Buffett Just came here to post this. This one is hard. Jimmy was a big favorite of mine. Saw him quite a few times live. What a talent and an incredible show every time. R.I.P. Jimmy. Thanks for the wonderful tunes!!! | |
Good value vintage pressing of CCR Cosmo’s Factory? That time John Fogerty was sued for plagiarizing John Fogerty: Love this story! | |
Good value vintage pressing of CCR Cosmo’s Factory? Craft did a 50th Anniversary version in 2020. It's pretty darn good. Huge CCR fan here. I think I have all the versions that Chad did and a few imports. | |
100 Albums You Would wish for...from a Genie @waltersalas...excellent choices sir! Some great titles on there!!! I took out "Best Ofs" & "Box Sets" so we would have to really think about the "album" as a whole. Also, I see a lot of titles from the lists that I love, but remember, thes... | |
Rotel CD Players If you can find one, an Onkyo C-7030 is terrific! Talk about a unit that fly WAY, WAY under the radar and then it just disappeared. Weighs about 18 pounds, has dual Wolfson DAC's, and only listed for $299. It streeted for $199-$219. Seen them ... |