Responses from mofimadness
100 Albums You Would wish for...from a Genie @stuartk...SWEET list! Several on your list, I forgot about, (that's what I was hoping for!) Thanks!!! It is hard. | |
Vinyl Lovers Another thumbs WAY up 🤗 for Katanga! What a spectacular recording!! I too miss the days of used mint- LPs for $5-$6...😥 | |
Amp repair I think the OP touched the wires together, that’s the way I read it. That would indeed short out an amp...I speak from experience. As long as I was in the high-end business, it’s bound to happen...a few times :-) I found a couple of pics of the i... | |
Hans Henrik Moerch passed This is sad news. I was a Moerch dealer way back in the day. He was so cool, very intelligent and a great designer. LOVED audio and analog. R.I.P. Hans Henrik. | |
PS Audio Stellar phono question Ralph really believes in a balanced system, so yes, by all means. What amp are you running? Balanced? | |
Is low cost DAC worth it? Geshelli Labs JNOG2. Excellent and pretty inexpensive. | |
PS Audio Stellar phono question If both input and output are truly balanced, then yes, the XLR connection is much cleaner with much less noise. Probably a good thing from a phono stage to a preamp... | |
Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are? I thought it would be fun to compile "MY" list of 100 albums from your responses. Some of the artists I liked, but not the album, so I choose mine. I also added some artists/albums that haven't been mentioned yet, but most came from above. I'm ... | |
Magnepan 3.6r I have always used the Cardas specific jumpers for the Maggies. Probably overkill, but they seem to work and sound great! https://... | |
Robbie Robertson has passed away :-( Just pulled out his debut solo LP which I haven't listened to in a very long time, (shame on me!). Man, what a album! Forgot how much I really like it. | |
Short? Ralph's the man, man! 🤩 | |
Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are? Steely Dan-Aja Eagles-The Long Run Linda Ronstadt-Simple Dreams (Some EXCELLENT choices listed above!) | |
Fidelity Research FR64S Interconnect Replacement @ace56...Sorry! I thought he worked on almost any/all tonearms. Thanks for the update and good luck on your endeavor! | |
Fidelity Research FR64S Interconnect Replacement Don't waste money on a rewire job - ain't worth it! That's not been my experience. After at least (6) different arm rewires, I'm pretty sure it's one of the most cost effective upgrades you can do...but, that's just me. | |
Fidelity Research FR64S Interconnect Replacement Michael at Brit Audio is the man: Highly recommended! |