Responses from mofimadness
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed +1...Ralph's cool! 😀 | |
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable Another cartridge that I absolutely love is the Goldring E3. You might find it's all you want and/or need. A savvy shopper can find one for around $115.00. Sleeper cart of the decade, IMHO. Try one... | |
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable You can trade it in for the same amount as what a new stylus would have been. Plus, they just introduced the Vasari Shibata that you could trade up to, if wanted. Granted, you would have to take off and put back on the cart. This is a fantastic... | |
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable Gold Note Vasari Gold. (Period). (Mic Drop). "Il suono italiano" | |
Thumbs Up on LFD! I still have a LFD "Mistral" phono stage. Very nice sounding. Probably keep it forever. | |
Length of SPDIF cable Al, (Almarg...R.I.P. my friend) always said that a coax digital cable should be 6-8 inches or 1.5M (60 inches). I have followed his advice. Man, I really miss him... | |
Eversolo dmp A6 vs Master edition vs Z8 Aren't most of the improvements on the ME version done on the DAC side of this unit? @mr_m...that's what I thought also, but can't find any definitive answers. I use an out-board DAC too. I was hoping one of our members had both versions and ... | |
Turntable repair Denver area..PLEASE HELP COLORADO're welcome. If Rick can't help, Michael at Brit Audio can repair the tonearm. You would have to take it off and send it to him, but he's EXCELLENT!!! He's rewired/upgraded quite a few arms for me. Highly recommended. http://www... | |
Turntable repair Denver area..PLEASE HELP COLORADO You could check with Rick Duplisea at Audio Alternatives in Fort Collins. They sold Michell many moons ago and Rick is a master at turntable set-up. | |
Eversolo dmp A6 vs Master edition vs Z8 I am also curious about the differences in the (2) DMP-A6's. Is the "Master Edition" really worth the extra $400? Thanks! | |
Superphon Revelation II Preamp with Phono Stage You could use set of Rothwell attenuators. They work extremely well. "Although the attenuators can be used on the inputs of the pre-amp in exactly the same way as they would be used on... | |
Help! Monolith turntable platter removal Take off the mat. There are holes/slots on each side of the platter. Put a couple of fingers in each hole, then push down on the spindle with your thumbs while pulling up on the platter: | |
For Chet Baker Fans (and all fans of great music) I bought that on vinyl on RSD 2023. Agree. Excellent album! | |
Long Lost Steely Dan Song This is really sweet: | |
What amp to pair with a Hafler DH-110 Preamp? I'd look for a Hafler XL280 or maybe a John Hillig, (Musical Concepts) modded Hafler DH220. A Forte Model 3 would be nice. As would a Threshold S150. |