

Responses from mofimadness

Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
It’s difficult to imagine how your damages could exceed what you’d spent. In addition...a lot of the titles are worth WAY more on the secondary market than what was spent at retail. I can’t believe anyone, (including the naysayers) would send ... 
Could we get a group of all IRS Beta owners?
@stephens770  WOW!  Talk about a "Wall Of Sound".  That room is almost ideal for those speakers.  Thanks for the pic.  
Could we get a group of all IRS Beta owners?
I still have a pair of Dahlquist DQ-10's that I custom restored.  Added solid Purpleheart trim pieces.  Just beautiful.  Really, really  nice.  Oh...they sound pretty good too...  
Could we get a group of all IRS Beta owners?
One of my biggest regrets in my audio journey.  My first big adult move and just no way to take them with me. IMHO, one of the best speakers ever made.  
Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian folk legend, dead at 84
Bummer! One of favorite male vocalists. Had the pleasure of seeing him several times. He put on a wonderful show. R.I.P. Gordon https://pitchfork.com/news/gordon-lightfoot-canadian-folk-singer-songwriter-dies-at-84/  
Audio Research filing for bankruptcy?
Plus, IIRC, my SP10 had a damn good phono stage. 😉  Ref 10 does not. IMHO, ARC gear went through the roof, price wise.  
Audio Research filing for bankruptcy?
@charles1dad...thanks for that link! Did you guys see ALL the creditors that are listed?  My Lord...  
Audio Research filing for bankruptcy?
Speaking from many, many years of experience in the high-end audio business: DO NOT SEND ANYTHING IN FOR REPAIR OR UPGRADE UNTIL THIS GETS RESOLVED!!!  I’ve lost several pieces through the years to this exact cause...  
Forte 4A vs. Belles 350A vs. Belles 350A Reference
The Belles 350A Reference is one of the best amps, (top 10) that I have ever owned and I've owned a BUNCH of amps. The Forte is a great little amp, but not in the same league.  
Audio Research filing for bankruptcy?
Here is the newest news: https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/whither-audio-research.36751/ I was an ARC dealer for many years and have owned a lot of their gear. Sad.  Hopefully they can be saved...  
Warmer class D amps for magnepan?
@hamark  Here you go: https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisaa00e-channel-islands-audio-d-500-mk-ii-solid-state  
School Of Rock new video
Here is another new one.  Man, are these kids talented! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYe9i6uQ8Sw  
Warmer class D amps for magnepan?
When I had my LRS speakers, I tried a bunch of different amps. One of the best was the CIA (Channel Island Audio) D200 Class D mono amps. Just superb. Pretty cheap used too. (Big shout out to Dusty!)  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Looks like they are $2750 sans stands and $2999 with the stands. According to the link above...  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Not in this special case with the SourcePoints. The linked ad clearly states MD covers both shipping to the customer AND the return shipping, no exceptions. +100%