

Responses from mofimadness

Tube Rolling - Any tips or caveats
I would start here:http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/d.pl?audio/faq/joes-tubes.html#12AX7This will give you a good idea of what to try. This is considered the de facto piece for tube rolling. 
Basic audio info book?
"Good Sound" by Laura Dearborn. 
Great films where music is a central theme.
Empire Records 
Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
Which components are "stupid good"?
Eastern Electric MiniMax DACModwright LS100 PreampGrover Huffman Interconnects 
Sumiko Talisman Virtuoso
I was a dealer and sold and owned both the Virtuoso Boron and the DTi. They were/are excellent cartridges. The DTi provided better channel seperation and balance and was smoother sounding. It also threw a wider and deeper soundstage. I still have ... 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
But we're lucky that tens of thousands of used albums which are on vinyl, but not CD. Works both ways... 
I Need Help With A Discontinued Cartridge
A lot of high output MCs have a 47k ohm impedance load. Makes it easier to mate with standard MM inputs. 
1K dac
I second the recommendation of the EE MiniMax DAC. What a honey of a unit! 
looking for a good tubed dac
I will third the recommendation of the EE Minimax. Best DAC I have owned. Try some opamp rolling and find the right tube and you'll have a top notch setup. 
Rega P9 vs Musical Fidelity M1
Stay with the Rega P9. It's one SWEET table. 
Odyssey Mono Extremes SE Which input to use?
I didn't ever notice a difference in sound between the XLR and RCA inputs on my Stratos amps. I do like the way the XLRs plug in. Better connection and connector, IMHO. 
Does the original Adcom 545 accept spades?
Yes, your spades will work. Here is a pic of the back of an original Adcom 545:http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/view_images.php?cat=Amplifiers&catnick=amplifiers&cfid=211109&image_id=2053224 
"Paper Airplane"
I've read several reviews that think this album is one of their best. I agree with the above and I'm a HUGE AKUS fan. 
One of my closest friends is gone.