Responses from mofimadness
HT is about to become fun if you're an Xbox fan. | |
How much gain? I don't think so. Your AT-OC9MKII is just at that 350uV rating for a 1V output. It is listed at .4mv. The other two carts you are looking at are very low output coils. I really think you will need a SUT, if you want to use the phono stage in your ... | |
Question on Connecting a MC Cartridge to AQ PT-6 I looked at my PT9 arm and the wiring is as follows, looking straight into the tonearm from the front:Top Left is WhiteTop Right is RedBottom Left is BlueBottom Right is GreenI don't think they changed the pinout from the PT6/7/8 to the PT9 series. | |
Question on Connecting a MC Cartridge to AQ PT-6 You could also use a VOM, (volt-ohm meter) to check which wire corresponds to the interconnect end. | |
Question on Connecting a MC Cartridge to AQ PT-6 The tonearm should also have colored wires coming out from it? You match the color of the wire to the color of the cartridge pin. If your tonearm doesn't have colored wires, you will need to find a picture that shows what color goes where on the t... | |
Vinyl composition effect on noise floor I think maybe you guys are talking about two different things? Picture Discs, (like Linda and Boston and many others) were never really meant to be played. I have quite a few that even came with a sticker or a note that said "not to be played".Col... | |
Kimber 4TC for M-L Electromotion ESL? The 4TC will work. I think it might be a tad bright and zippy coming from a solid state amp to a pretty high rez speaker. I always found the "TC" sereis from Kimber to be that way and I was Kimber dealer for quite awhile. If you want to stay with ... | |
pre-amp with phono section Modwright LS100 w/phono. | |
Best ARC Solid State power to match ARC Ref 5 Pre I'd recommend the ARC HD220. This is a hybrid and sounds simply wonderful. Plenty of power too. | |
WOW; great stuff at THE Show, Newport this weekend Thanks for the links guys! | |
WOW; great stuff at THE Show, Newport this weekend Jafox, is NAPA a dealer or manufacterer? Sorry, I've never heard of them before. If a dealer, what is the brand of the amp and speakers you bought? Thanks! | |
can a Forte model 1 be bridged? Actually, I think I might be wrong. I think that Jon Soderberg can indeed convert this amp to mono. Maybe check with him for sure. | |
What's the best Tube DAC you have heard? Here is where I got the OPA2604. These are a standard DIP8 and drop right in: is where I got the AD797B. These require the adapter.http://cimarrontechn... | |
can a Forte model 1 be bridged? No, not within the unit itself. | |
What's the best Tube DAC you have heard? Doug,I owe my op-amp combo to you and your hard work in rolling for the article in Dagogo! I'm a Mullard man, so that's my tube of choice.I have a CEC TL-2 transport and Grover Huffman digital cable and analog cable. |