Responses from mofimadness
What is your favorite tv theme song/composition? The Addams Family. | |
"Best" DAC for a grand or less Eastern Electric Minimax DAC. This is the one to beat at under a grand... | |
Are you too old to be an audiophile? The equipment is a menas to an end...that end being MUSIC. Music is all that matters. | |
Denon DL-103R cartridge update I just bought a ZU Audio DL103 Grade 1 and it's one of the most dynamic cartridges I have ever heard. I have (2) Denon DL103D's and I am going to send them to SoundSmith for a retip and then onto Zu to have them potted and put into one of their bo... | |
TOP 5 CD OR LP LISTENED MOST TO IN LAST 3 YEARS ? Steely Dan-The Royal ScamGrace Potter and the Nocturnals-Self TitledJackson Browne-The Very Best OfOver the Rhine-OhioKid Rock-Rock-n-Roll Jesus | |
Stylus replacement for Shure V-15 v MR Here is a link: | |
Stylus replacement for Shure V-15 v MR I third the Jico. I have the SAS version on my V15IIIHE. | |
Best CD I've heard so far 2011......... Lucinda Williams-BlessedOver the Rhine-The Long Surrender | |
good non-ARC linestage for ARC VT-100 MK2/VS-100 Modwright SWL9.0SE Signature. | |
Perfect Debute Albums (s/t) means "Self Titled" so Nazz-Nazz and Buffalo Springfield-Buffalo Springfeild is what Jaybo is referring to.I'll add:The Eagles-The Eagles | |
Best combination of sweetness and dynamics? Zu Audio | |
tube recommendation please The CV4003's (12AU7) are cheaper, I would try those first. The 5AR4's are kinda pricey.Since Kevin Deal (owner of Upscale Audio) is also the importer for PrimaLuna, I would call/e-mail and ask him. He has never steered me wrong over the past 12 ye... | |
tube recommendation please I'm a Mullard man myself, so I would recommend the Mullard CV4003 (12AU7), (platnium grade) from Upscale Audio and a pair of Mullard GZ34 (5AR4). These are getting a little harder to find, but there were a few here on Audiogon.The Mullards have a ... | |
VPI Scout - slow speed , help ? Make sure the pulley is tight against the motor shaft. It has a set screw I think. Could be that the pulley is slipping a little bit. | |
VPI Scout - slow speed , help ? Sorry, this link is clickable: |