Responses from mofimadness
Audible Illusions 3A or Modwright SWL9.0Signature? I owned an Audible Illusions 3A many years ago and many, many preamps ago. I currently own the Modwright SWL9.0SE Signature. It's one of the best preamps I've ever owned or heard. I have never missed the AI 3A, not even once...if that helps you any? | |
Noobie. Vinyl reissues. Am I expecting too much? Schipo,Amen brother. Nicely stated. | |
Noobie. Vinyl reissues. Am I expecting too much? Sorry to be trite, but this subject has been beaten to death on the forums here. Do a search and read all of the info.I, myself, have had tremendous success with all the new reissues and I buy most of them. Others will claim the opposite... | |
How do you listen to new music? I usually listen 2-3 times completely through. Then I will make a decision on whether to add the CD to my "regular rotation" list. | |
Please help, single input, multiple outputs Adcom used to make the GFS-3/4/6 speaker selector. You ran the amp's output into the box and could choose from 3/4/6 speaker outputs in any combination.Niles makes several also. | |
Magneplanar 1.6 QR's problem Make sure the jumper is tight, (and/or even installed). | |
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs? 1. Modwright SWL9.0SE Signature preamp2. CEC TL-2 Transport3. Zu Audio DL-103 Grade 1 cartridge4. Grover Huffman Interconnects5. Shuguang Black Treasure 6SN7 tubes | |
Heart- Little Queen Friday Music LP The Boston is very good also. I just got Heart "Dreamboat Annie" and Chicago "VI" is marvelous. | |
Heart- Little Queen Friday Music LP I bought that when it first came out several weeks ago. I agree it's excellent. I've had great luck with almost all of the Friday Music reissues and I have a bunch of them. | |
how do you pick your next music? For me, it really depends on my mood at the time I am searching my vast library. | |
ARC SP8 as Phono Stage Stanwal,The LS17 has only 12db of gain through SE and 18db through balanced. Again it would depend on the cartridge's output.I agree that a standalone phono stage would be the way to go. | |
ARC SP8 as Phono Stage According to the specs on the SP8, the phono input to tape output is 34db of gain. The phono input to main output is 60db of gain. So, it would depend on what the output voltage of your cartridge is. 34db is a little on the low side. | |
ARC SP8 as Phono Stage If you use the Tape Record Out like Kentaja recommends, you will also bypass the volume control. You might not have enough gain. It would be a cleaner signal, but the gain can't be adjusted. Try it both ways and see what sounds better. Also, some ... | |
not sure about pre out Yes... | |
ARC SP8 as Phono Stage Yes. Plug your table into the phono input on the SP8, then the preamp outputs of the SP8 to any line level input on the LS17. Use the volume control on the SP8 to match levels and your good to go.The SP8 has a pretty decent phono stage, so you wou... |