

Responses from mofimadness

Best Rock Album in 2011
Marty,Thanks for the info on Stevie. I LOVE Stevie Nicks. I have seen her many times. One of the audio stores I owned many moons ago, sponsered a concert with her and she signed a lithograph poster for me backstage. She is a very special person an... 
Bryston vs. McCormack with the Modwright 9.0
The Odyssey Stratos amps are wonderful. You might also find a Belles amp for around your price. 
Best Rock Album in 2011
Here's another high hope for the new Stevie Nicks album. 
DIY record cleaning solution recipe needed
Here's a link from Soundstage with a recipe:http://www.soundstage.com/synergize/synergize041998.htmI know most of the major mags had an article about different recipe solutions. You might check the archives at Stereophile, TAS, Listener, etc. 
Songs used for Imaging and Sound Staging Tests?
"Before the Deluge" by Jackson Browne. When the chorus comes in, it's spread high, deep and very wide along the soundstage. 
Walker Prelude Quartet users with VPI 16.5
My original 16.0, (bought in 1980 and converted to 16.5 later on) actually wobbles more side to side than up and down. Mine has never gotten hot enough to notice, but I only clean a few albums in a session. My unit doesn't have the stainless steel... 
PC Rules
04-20-11: Orpheus10"The only thing that's relevant to this discussion is the computer interface." What? So, you are saying that the computer interface is making the LP sound better than the LP itself? Not on this planet. 
Low sound from Naim CD5i-2
Found this in the manual:19.4 Output Socket SelectionA pair of RCA Phono output sockets are fitted on CD player rear panels to provide an alternative to the preferred DIN socket. Proceed as follows to select the RCA Phono sockets.With the player s... 
Best format for SteelyDan...
They did remaster all of the early Steely Dan CDs. I just got done replacing all of my original CDs with the remasters. I must say, they do sound better than the originals.I have the SHM versions of Aja and Gaucho. They are a little better soundin... 
Martin Logan Prodigy with Sonic Frontiers Power
I agree. You need more power and control. Try a Sanders ESL amp and hear what these babies can do. The larger Pass amps also work very well. 
Anyone went back to using bare wires on speakers?
I am also "sans" connectors on both my amp and speaker ends. 
Cheap Power Cord for Music Hall A 25.2 Integrated
Signal Cable or Pangea. 
HELP-Maggie IIIa's are crackling at high frequency
You could have a bad ribbon tweeter, (or two) and/or the wires have delaminated. The repair tech might not have gotten them completely glued down. It's a major ordeal to reglue the wires, I know, I've done it several times.You could also have a cr... 
Tubes for Shindo Aurieges L
Ken Shindo uses VERY specific tubes and doesn't recommend tube rolling. If you need a new tube set, order them from Shindo Labs for your exact model of preamp. 
Looking for a best TT without arm for under 10K.
Transrotor Dark Star.