

Responses from mofimadness

The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
I have read that the 6H30 tube will actually last around 10,000 hours. I know that ARC says 5000, but I think that ARC wants owners to always have the best sound, so they recommend a replacement more often.The "DR" version of the 6H30 gives me mor... 
Need help re: VPI Superplatter
The HRX uses a different version of the Super Platter. The one you have will work on any VPI table EXCEPT the HRX...sorry. 
The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
Sorry, but the REF3 is better than the LS26. I never before would have said that with conviction, but Audiogon member Theo has a LS26 and he borrowed, from a dealer, the REF3. I went over, (THANKS again Ted!) and took quite a few of my demo CDs to... 
Tubes for Modulus 3A
Here are the ones that Kevin Deal recommends from Upscale Audio. He has never steered me wrong over many years and many many tubes:http://www.upscaleaudio.com/Russian-6H236922-Type-3_p_49.html 
classe dr 9 owners: please inform
The DR-8 and DR-9 amps from Classe were excellent sounding units. I agree that they were Yin...on the warm, dark side of life, but very lush and romantic. Modern amps will have more dynamic slam and control, but "may" not be as musically involving... 
Is compressed bamboo good to help reduce vibs
Really dude, where can we buy these? 
OT Congratulations NY Yankees
Maybe money can't buy happiness, but it sure can buy a World Series title... 
maggies with bryston 7bssts
Sorry, but I've never been a fan of the Bryston gear. I still can't get past the brightness of high frequencies. I'm not sure I should call it brightness, but that's the closest thing to what I hear. Kind of an etchy quality.You should audition th... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Simple Dreams by Linda RonstadtGoodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton JohnHotel California by the Eagles 
How to repair speaker surrounds?
Simply Speakers will either sell you a DIY kit or you can remove the drivers and send them in. These guys are very good and reasonably priced.www.simplyspeakers.com 
Glanz GMC 10EH needle ???
SoundSmith can retip it. I've had several cartridges done there. EXCELLENT! 
Dynavector 10X5 versus Sumiko Evo III
Jgiacalo, what's a Dynavector DV160? Never heard of that model. Do you mean a Denon DL160 perhaps? 
Speakers for Rock Music
JBL L-100 Century or JBL 4311 or 4411 Studio Monitors. Probably one the best rocks speakers ever made. 
Dynavector 10X5 versus Sumiko Evo III
Just a note: ANY cartridge other than a Rega, will need a different VTA setting which means you will need to remove the arm and use spacers, (washers) or install a VTA adjuster.I would look for a used Dynavector DV20XH for a few dollars more than ... 
SET the best?
PurpleThe beach on the other side of CozumelSET...tried it, didn't like it.