Responses from mofimadness
Famous quote - who said it/how does it go. I heard it was asked to Clapton and he said go ask Phil Keaggy. | |
Audio Research Amp Shootout Mark,Thanks for the excellent review! I'm sure you guys had a blast listening to all the ARC amps. I concure with your findings on the SD135. I have listened to this amp as well as the VS110. I have also had the pleasure of listening to the ARC HD... | |
Which wand for Morch DP-6 The Red Dot Morch arm tube is for a 6 gram cartridge. The ZYX 3 is a 5 gram cartridge, so you should be fine. I think it is better to be a little on the plus side, than on the lower side with the tubes. The Green tube is a 4 gram tube and the Yell... | |
Jelco vs Rega I think the Jelco arm you have is as good as the RB301. The Rega is an excellent arm, but so is the Jelco.If you want to upgrade arms, a SME 309 or a Moerch or maybe an older Graham 1.5 would be nice on that table.I have a friend that has that sam... | |
Oracle Premier Mk III vs Delphi V I'd go with the Delphi MKV. It has all of the newer technology and parts from Oracle that the Premier MKIII doesn't. New platter and bearing. New subchassis with weight. New motor and controller.The Premier is an excellent table, but just not as c... | |
Dyna 20XL and Shelter 501 II - fixed load ? Looking at just the numbers, the DV20XL has a recommended load impedance of 30 ohms. The 501 II has a recommended load impedance of 100 ohms. The Shelter looks like the closer match, but truth would be in the listening. | |
Blackburn Micro Tech Tubes no longer? Hoysauce, yes, TechTubes has been shipping for a couple of months now. The only tube they have currently is the E813CC, (12AX7). I bought (4) when they first launched. They are VERY nice. The 12AU7 was due next this autumn, then the 12AT7 was due ... | |
Blackburn Micro Tech Tubes no longer? The order site is still up and they show them as being in stock. Hopefully they will still fulfill orders until the stock is depleted. | |
looking for circa $5k full range towers I just heard the new AV123 Focus Line Source Speakers the LS6 and LS9. WOW! Talk about full range and dynamics and gorgeous. Might be too big for your room, how big is it? ToneAudio, (online magazine) has a new review of the LS6 and, of course, th... | |
banana= spade adapter for Wireworld speaker cable Try here: | |
What is tube rolling? I also agree that you should read, (and reread) Joe's Tube Lore at the link provided. It's pretty much the bible for the different ways tubes sound. Just remember that the actual component that each tube is used in, makes a BIG difference. I have ... | |
Need cartridge recommendations for Rega P25 The Lyra Dorian is an excellent recommendation, if you have the gain in your phono stage for it. It's a low output MC. If you only have a MM stage, try the Audio Technica AT150MLX. I've used it on my P25 and it was wonderful. I am currently using ... | |
difficulty finding CD player match for Magneplanar I would first upgrade the amp. 60 watts per channel isn't even close for what the Maggies need. You are hearing a lack of bass and power because your amp can't produce or control it. | |
Would this be an upgrade? I also agree that the Cardas would be a step up from the Monster.I used the Quadlink speaker cable for a few years and always enjoyed the sound it gave me. | |
Anyone know the Mission 747 tonearm? Sorry, I screwed that link up. Here it is: |