

Responses from mofimadness

Audio Research Reference 3
Check here:http://www.arcdb.ws/REF3/REF3.html 
Hi Output MC cartridge recommendations?
1. Dynavector DV20XH2. Sumiko Blackbird3. Sumiko Blue Point EVO III4. Denon DL160 
Love Over Gold - Best LP?
Japanese pressing, then the German pressing. 
Mounting specs for Sumiko SHO
According to the Cartridge Database:1.9-2.2 grams of VTF. Usually, antiskate is set to the same, but there isn't a set universal rule for this. Most set by ear and/or eye. 
Insert for 45 RPM singles
You can always buy the little yellow plastic inserts that turn the larger 45 rpm record hole into a single small hole:http://www.needledoctor.com/45-RPM-Yellow-Inserts-10-Pack;jsessionid=0a01105a1f43c18f39f1609349738423b85ee552754a.e3eSc3aTah0Le34... 
Can you identify this cable
'pish-posh"...wasn't she a Spice Girl? :-) 
ARC REF 3 20 amp to 15 amp power cord adapter
Here are a couple:http://www.musicdirect.com/product/81898http://www.voodoocable.net/VAPA.htm 
Music Hall mmf-7 spins faster
Have you put a strobe disc on it to "visually" verify that is running fast? 
Jason Bloom, who designed the Apogees, always recommended the SYMO cables. You might be able to find a pair used. They do show up on Audiogon from time to time.When I had my Apogee Stages, the SYMO cable was the best that I tried on them.Here is a... 
Why Rhodium?
Buconero, you'd better have your friend call George Cardas and tell him, since he is pretty big advocate of Rhodium... 
Why Rhodium?
Rhodium is an excellent conductor of electricity, it resists oxidation, has low and stable contact resistance, and high corrosion resistance. 
Pre and Post Echo's on Trinity Revisited
I have listened to this LP on all three of my tables and do not hear any echo. My listening room is not as quiet as yours, so maybe they are there, but I sure haven't heard anything weird. 
Preamp with phono stage for under $1000
I second the ARC SP9MKII or you might be able to find a SP14 for around $1K or so. Both are excellent. 
Fatigue reducing interconnect?
I was a Kimber dealer for many years and was always very careful on recommending the 8TC. The 8TC speaker cable is pretty "zippy" in the high frequencies. I found it worked great on more laid back, softer type tweeters. It can be quite bright soun... 
CDs with heavy, fast bass and/or long drum solos
Here is the one I use for bass:The Sheffield Drum & Track Disc