Responses from mofimadness
With average use how long for panel replacement ML I concure with Magfan...can you say delamination? With the Martin Logan's, you can buy a new set of panels which are pretty easy to install yourself. When a Magnepan goes down, it's pretty much a complete and messy internal surgery to repair yours... | |
With average use how long for panel replacement ML In general, it's pretty much agreed upon, that every 12-15 years you should replace the panels with normal use. The cost of replacement panels just skyrocketed, so I would check with Jim Powers, (I agree, Jim is a GREAT guy) to see how much the pa... | |
Vinyl Front End Upgrade I second the ARC phono stages. | |
Non-Linn Speakers for an all Linn system I'll add: Some of the older Mission and Celestion speakers. | |
Refoaming vintage OHM speakers You could also try Simply Speakers. They have reconed/refoamed several drivers for me and did a wonderful job. They sell kits too, if you want to do it yourself, but their prices are quite | |
Odyssey Stratos vs KAV Krell 300i I haven't heard the Krell, but I have owned every version of the Odyssey Stratos amps. Started with the basic Stratos amp, liked it so much I sold it and bought the "cap upgraded", (now called the PLUS) version. Liked it so much, I sold it and bou... | |
Female Vocalist's Website Jgiacalo, you are welcome! I have already ordered several CDs of the new artists I found on this site. | |
Beatles Box Sets Update "For the Benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight" | |
Lacking Soundstage - Vandersteen 2C I would try moving them at least 6 feet apart, (if not 7-8 feet) and pulled out from the back wall 3 feet, (if not more). 4 feet apart is way too close together for a proper stereo image.The more you move them out from the wall the deeper the soun... | |
Compatible stylus for a Shure V-15 series III There are actually THREE different versions available from LP Gear. The regular VN35III ($49.95), the VN35HE ($59.95) and the SAS VN35HE ($99.95). The OP asked just about a regular V15 Type 3. I also agree that the SAS ($99.95) version is the best. | |
Compatible stylus for a Shure V-15 series III Try this link: | |
Beatles Remasters: Mono vs. Stereo Debate Thread Tone Audio, (online mag) has an excellent write-up on the new sets and the differences in the sound between the mono and stereo versions. Both are quite good, but they say the monos are "something special". | |
How to listen to the Beatles re-releases? Rock-N-Roll, as we know it today, would not exist without the Beatles...period. | |
Micro Acoustics vs Grace F-9 MM's I am also on the Grace F9E side of the street, but will take it one notch above. If you send the Grace into SoundSmith and have their $250.00 retip service done, this new cartridge will compete with any MM out there and IMHO be the best. I've owne... | |
Phono pre-amps with volume control The PS Audio GCPH has a volume control. |