

Responses from mofimadness

With average use how long for panel replacement ML
I concure with Magfan...can you say delamination? With the Martin Logan's, you can buy a new set of panels which are pretty easy to install yourself. When a Magnepan goes down, it's pretty much a complete and messy internal surgery to repair yours... 
With average use how long for panel replacement ML
In general, it's pretty much agreed upon, that every 12-15 years you should replace the panels with normal use. The cost of replacement panels just skyrocketed, so I would check with Jim Powers, (I agree, Jim is a GREAT guy) to see how much the pa... 
Vinyl Front End Upgrade
I second the ARC phono stages. 
Non-Linn Speakers for an all Linn system
I'll add: Some of the older Mission and Celestion speakers. 
Refoaming vintage OHM speakers
You could also try Simply Speakers. They have reconed/refoamed several drivers for me and did a wonderful job. They sell kits too, if you want to do it yourself, but their prices are quite reasonable.www.simplyspeakers.com 
Odyssey Stratos vs KAV Krell 300i
I haven't heard the Krell, but I have owned every version of the Odyssey Stratos amps. Started with the basic Stratos amp, liked it so much I sold it and bought the "cap upgraded", (now called the PLUS) version. Liked it so much, I sold it and bou... 
Female Vocalist's Website
Jgiacalo, you are welcome! I have already ordered several CDs of the new artists I found on this site. 
Beatles Box Sets Update
"For the Benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight" 
Lacking Soundstage - Vandersteen 2C
I would try moving them at least 6 feet apart, (if not 7-8 feet) and pulled out from the back wall 3 feet, (if not more). 4 feet apart is way too close together for a proper stereo image.The more you move them out from the wall the deeper the soun... 
Compatible stylus for a Shure V-15 series III
There are actually THREE different versions available from LP Gear. The regular VN35III ($49.95), the VN35HE ($59.95) and the SAS VN35HE ($99.95). The OP asked just about a regular V15 Type 3. I also agree that the SAS ($99.95) version is the best. 
Compatible stylus for a Shure V-15 series III
Try this link:http://www.lpgear.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LG&Product_Code=SHSV15III 
Beatles Remasters: Mono vs. Stereo Debate Thread
Tone Audio, (online mag) has an excellent write-up on the new sets and the differences in the sound between the mono and stereo versions. Both are quite good, but they say the monos are "something special". 
How to listen to the Beatles re-releases?
Rock-N-Roll, as we know it today, would not exist without the Beatles...period. 
Micro Acoustics vs Grace F-9 MM's
I am also on the Grace F9E side of the street, but will take it one notch above. If you send the Grace into SoundSmith and have their $250.00 retip service done, this new cartridge will compete with any MM out there and IMHO be the best. I've owne... 
Phono pre-amps with volume control
The PS Audio GCPH has a volume control.