Responses from mofimadness
AC power cord for Rotel RCD-1072 When I had my 1072, I used a Signal Cable MagicPower Digital Reference and was very happy. Excellent "bang for the buck" cable. | |
AKUS Live, what is your opinion I agree. I've had this since it came out and really enjoy it. The REAL treat is to hear them live in concert. I've had the pleasure a few times. They are simply MARVELOUS! Probably the best musicians I have ever seen or heard...and that voice. | |
speakers that rock JBL L100 Century or the JBL 4311 Studio Monitors. Probably the best rock-n-roll speakers ever made. | |
Ortofon 2M Red Not Happy Need advice I have (3) Grace F9E cartridges and will never sell them. I just had one retipped at SoundSmith, (the $250 SoundSmith ruby version retip) and it's even better than ever. IMHO, the Grace F9E was one of best MM ever made and I've heard just about al... | |
Hafler DH-220/Transcendence - 220W/8ohm? The "Transcendence" mods were done by Frank Van Alstine. Maybe send him an email. | |
Time Needed to Break In Tubes Properly Breakin While I completely agree that tubes need to break in, I have found 50-100 hours is adequate. | |
whats the best way to reglue record covers Here is a very good link for such repairs: | |
Which female artist Here's a few:Tiff MerrittLucinda WilliamsGrace PotterDar WilliamsSarah Mclachlan | |
I HAVE A SECRET TO TEL Also, please explain the following:"I have had all of the Deflex working in my system for the past 48 hours so I will need to have it all settle into the system for 1 or 2 months and report back on my findings to keep notes on any changes that occ... | |
Tube Recommendations for C-J PV10B/MV55 Combo After reading many positive comments about the Sovtek 12AX7"LPS", I tried a couple was VERY pleased with the results. I tried them in a phono stage and also a tube DAC. Nice indeed... | |
12bh7 TUBES It depends on the circuit. You can't make a "blanket" statement that "ANY" 12BH7 can be subbed for a 12AU7 and vice versa... | |
Where can one purchase lead shot for speakers? You might want to read this recent thread: | |
Best Outer Sleeves for LPs Bags Unlimited SLP3. | |
sand versus shot in speaker stands Theo,You are correct. There is a compnay called Atacama that sells a product called ATABITES."High density filler designed for mass loading of speaker stands. Delta shaped chips which interlock together creating minimum air gaps."http://www.atacam... | |
Fleetwood Mac Staples LA Christine McVie was NOT with them. The article I read said that she was and always has been invited, but she's "done" with all of this music business stuff.There was a rumor that Sheryl Crow was offered a spot on the team, but turned them down. |