

Responses from mofimadness

ruined a phillips screw, any inspired solution?
I have had this happen way too many times, so I bought a "Screw Out" set from Sears. Link is below. Best $10 bucks I've ever spent.http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00952154000P?mv=rr 
XLR to RCA adaptors
I've had to do this a couple of times and didn't hear any difference at all. I use the Cardas adapters. 
Good USED XLR Interconnect Choices for $300-$400?
If you could swing $400-$500, I would go with the Cardas Golden Cross. Very warm and open cable. 
Here are a couple of links that tell the difference and offer everything you ever wanted to know about these arms:http://www.vinylengine.com/a-guide-rega-tonearms.shtmlhttp://www.tonearm.co.uk/faq-tonearms-frequently-asked-questions.htm 
Slindie Rabco arm
There was a David "Shreve" that did some excellent mods on the Rabco tonearms. Many reviewers used his arm. The Shreve/Rabco tonearm was the one to own for awhile. 
Used speakers: Cleaning tips?
I have a pair of the original Linn SARA speakers in real Rosewood and tried just about everything out there. Some things worked okay and others didn't really seem to do anything, (good or bad). Then I tried the Murphy's Oil Soap with ORANGE oil an... 
Missy Raines Anyone?
Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered it. Never heard of her, but the samples I listened to were very good. 
Sony Blue Ray: S5000es vs S2000es
I just received my new Sony S350 and LOVE it! I can't believe that there could be much of an improvement over this unit. Pretty fast load and response time, (as compared to my Toshiba HD-A2, which was MEGA SLOW) and so far it has played flawlessly... 
Audio Research Ref CD8 vs Esoteric X03SE
If you want a deep, wide soundstage and a huge open sound this is a no brainer.....ARC CD-8.....stop your search. 
Ayre's new Minimum Phase filter
Audiogon member "Theo" just got his back from Ayre with the new MP upgrade. He said it made a BIG difference. Maybe he can chime in, if he sees, this with the specifics. 
Glass Optical cables for WADIA??
Toslink and ST/ATT use completely different glass fiber receivers and transmitters. So these are not compatable even if you could, (which you can't) get a cable with toslink on one end and ST/ATT on the other. 
New vs. old DACs - opinions?
I agree with Stanwal. As someone who has, over the last year, had at least a dozen different DACs, (both very new and very old) in house to listen to, I think I can make a quality statement here. The three I have kept are older DACs. They sound mo... 
VPI Scoutmaster and 300 rpm motor
The easiest way to indentify the 300RPM motor is that the pulley is 2-3 times the size of the 600RPM pulley. 
VPI Scoutmaster and 300 rpm motor
The 300 RPM motor was an upgrade to the Scout. The ScoutMaster and SSM already come with a 300 RPM motor. 
Looking for amplifier kits.
I don't think that NAD or Levinson ever offered anything in "kit" form, so I am not sure what you are asking about.If, indeed you are looking for actual kits to assemble, I second the Bottlehead mentioned above. I have a Seduction phono stage and ...