

Responses from mofimadness

Tube Codes
Try this link for some codes. This site has other pages also...http://www.audiotubes.com/mullcode.htm 
An Advent Guy
JBL L100 Century. Best Rock-N-Roll speaker ever made.DCM Original Time Window. The speaker that started my journey into high-end. 
Best 6DJ8 tubes?
This link will keep you busy for awhile. Don't go crazy trying to find the "perfect" tube. Many factors are involved...http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/faq/joes-tubes.html#6DJ8 
Would a ARC ph5 have enough gain for a Lyra Titan
The Titan i has a output of .5mv. The ARC PH5 has a gain of 57.5db. That results in an output of 375mv. You should be more than fine. 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
The ARC VT100 uses (4) matched pairs of 6550. Here is the link to Upscale Audio's 6550 tubes.http://www.upscaleaudio.com/view_category.asp?cat=85 
Which James Bond Theme Recording
The Sheriff shows up again in "The Man with the Golden Gun" and is just as funny. 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
I would also like to recommend Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. I have bought MANY tubes from him over the years and he has never steered me wrong. He has one of the most elaborate tube testing systems around. Well worth a call or e-mail to him. 
Will a vpi hw-19 dustcover fit a scout?
Not even close. Not tall enough or wide enough. 
Which James Bond Theme Recording
Paul McCartney & Wings-Live and Let DieDuran Duran-View to a Kill 
VPI HW-19 Jr Dust Cover is it....
Yes the holes for the hinges are the same. There are (3) different height sizes:1. Regular size 3" comes stock on all the HW-19 tables.2. Tall 4" version needed for the taller platters and Super Armboard version.3. JMW 5" version, cutout in rear f... 
DVD movies must have
Eagle EyeThe Incredible Hulk, (with Edward Norton)Live Free or Die Hard 
Damaged Dynavector 20XL
Cruz,I have owned both and the 17MK3 is the better cartridge, but you're saying the retip is $250, (which we know) and the trade-up to the 17MK3 is $750? Wow, that's a big difference. I thought maybe a couple hundred bucks. If it were me, I'd reti... 
Best John Mayer Album
My favorite is "Room for Squares" just because it has one of my favorite songs "No Such Thing". I also really like "Continuum". If you like blues, the John Mayer Trio-"Try" is good.I haven't heard the new live release that's out. 
Damaged Dynavector 20XL
Actually the output's the same. Sorry, I thought it was a little lower on the 17MK3. 
Damaged Dynavector 20XL
Cruz, that's an idea. If your phono stage can handle the lower output of the 17MK3, it is a better cartridge. Jim, it's Karat not karate.