

Responses from mofimadness

Sunday morning music...what's spinning?
LuckyLou, thanks for the BB King mention. I just put on BB King & Friends-80. Major mojo funky groove going on in Colorado... 
Damaged Dynavector 20XL
Soundsmith retip for $250 would my choice. 
Who's your guitar daddy now?
I've seen John Mayer live in concert twice and he is an INCREDIBLE guitar player! The first comment out of my mouth was "God, can that dude play the guitar."If you get a chance to see him live...go! 
Anybody tweaking by using the RCA caps?
Wendell, what Mr. Golden ears can't hear a difference with them installed...yeah, neither can I :-) But I sleep better at night knowing they're serving and protecting... 
ARC PH-3SE Versus PH-5
Mark,I just got done auditioning the ARC PH3, the PH3Se and the PH5. I am buying the PH5. It was clearly better than both of the PH3 units. A used PH3SE is worth the little extra money over a used standard PH3.The PH5 had better, (deeper and more ... 
Hum with Cary PH-302 phono amp
Yea, that goes backwards to my thinking...which really isn't new :-) It's a mystery. 
Make your own vacuum tubes
Thanks for sharing that! I wonder how they sound? 
Hum with Cary PH-302 phono amp
What is the gain of the Audio Experience versus the Cary MM? You could be just overloading the Cary and it's being induced as hum. 
I think Ikea makes some decent sounding bookshelves? 
Despriately looking for amp for Maggies 20.1
A pair of the new Sanders Sound Systems ESL Mono Amps will clamp onto those babies and never let go. Buttloads of power and control. 
VPI hw19jr Audioquest PT-8 arm G-ring 1042 cart
Sorry, if I could read I would have answered your question about a phono CABLE, (I read it as phono CARTRIDGE). Signal Cable makes a damn good cable for around $180 new. I saw a used Kimber TAC on Audiogon for around $180. Audioquest makes the Wil... 
other then bose what amp could drive
It's Bose...does it really matter? 
Rega P3-24 or RB301 anti-skating bias
Make sure the table is level. 
VPI motor
Sorry, it's a PB 3203-001. It up on the first list of (4) motors. 
VPI hw19jr Audioquest PT-8 arm G-ring 1042 cart
I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the differencies between the two tables, once you have a chance to compare. I have read and read and read, on this forum, about the Technics until I'm ready to puke. I just can't believe that this table can...