Responses from mofimadness
Turntable set up HELP Maybe the counterweight is hitting something on the back of the arm? If it's close to the pivot point, it could be bumping the back of the arm or the lift mechanism or the anti-skate assembly or the mounting base? | |
Turntable set up HELP Make sure the arm is clearing the lift platform. Sometimes these develop an air bubble and don't go all the way down and the arm hits against it. If you changed the height of the arm you might need to adjust the lift mechanism also. | |
Rega TT-PSU or new phono stage ? I agree with Wendell. When I added the Heed outboard power supply to my Rega P25, it was a very noticable improvement. Well worth the money. | |
Need flexible , high quality HDMI cable suggestion I really like Firefold for their HDMI cables. I A/B'ed this cable with a $150 Monster Cable,(1000 series) HDMI cable and could see no diffrence. The Firefold cable is like 7 bucks! The link is below: | |
Using XLR to Rca adapter I have (2) sets of the Cardas XLR to RCA adapters running into my ARC preamp that have phono stages at the other end and I hear NO noise or any other anomolies. I ran out of RCA inputs, so I had to use the balanced inputs. My phono stages are RCA ... | |
VPI Speed Problem I would try a new belt and re-lubing the bearing/spindle. Make sure to clean off the outside of the platter where the belt goes around and clean off the pulley. | |
Do I need a record cleaning machine Best investment that I have ever made in audio. YES, you need one! | |
Can't balance arm with Tecnoweight Here's a link to how to install the Technoweight. Looks like you set the Rega's spring loaded VTF to 3.5 grams. Maybe this will help you get it to balance. | |
Can't balance arm with Tecnoweight Whatever the VTF is at the gauge is really all that matters. Doesn't the Technoweight have several different dials for setting the VTF? I've only setup one before and seem to remember this? | |
need help on transparent sounding 12au7 tubes I second the Mullard CV4003's. I had a set of these in my Belles preamp and LOVED them. I got mine from Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. | |
Rega P25 Setup Question You're welcome. My pleasure!Here's a link for a 3 gram headshell weight: | |
Rega P25 Setup Question The whole idea with any tonearm and it's counterweight is to keep the weight as close to the pivot point as possible. With the way Rega uses their VTF dial, it adds a spring to the mix and makes you use the weight further back on the shaft, away f... | |
Rega P25 Setup Question Mrgoby, yes use the stock weight for now. The anti skate adjuster in NOT a knob, but a small silver "slider" that sits right under the arm on the black base. If the arm is in the arm rest, it's right underneath the arm just to the left of the cuei... | |
Rega P25 Setup Question Here is an excerpt from the manual:Cartridge tracking force adjustment1. Ensure that the tracking force adjustment knob is set to the zero position.2. With the cartridge permanently fitted in the correct position adjust the main balanceweight so t... | |
Rega P25 Setup Question I'm pretty sure the dial on the side of the arm is for tracking force and the "slide" on the base of the arm is for anti-skate. That's the way mine is setup.It is REALLY preferred that you don't use the spring loaded VTF dial at all. Leave it a ZE... |