Responses from motown-l
Audioquest vs. Others My local dealer sold me some used AQ Copperheads and G-snakes, some years ago. At one point, I had separates and used a set of "Better Cables", silver plated 99% OCC cables between the amp and preamp. These cost $80/ft. in 2006. I was using this c... | |
Amps with meters ... I think having nice big analog VU meters, on the face of a vintage amplifier, makes for an easier sale to novices. I know they're useless, but they do look cool on some vintage gear. A MAC would look naked without those big blue meters staring out... | |
Top vintage receivers vs. modern high-end equipment I used to sell audio equipment in the stereo heyday of the mid-70's to early 80's. I found the upper end of Sansui receivers and the entire integrated amplifier range to be better sounding, more neutral and have greater detail than any of the othe... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Oh my, the thread went from Vintage DD turntables to a moral discussion on utilization of animal byproducts. I'm not going to weigh in on that, but here are some other recommendations: The Pioneer PL 600 (not the more recent plastic version), whic... | |
Why do YOU love Vinyl/or hate vinyl I enjoy the sound of analog recordings. I have some early pressings of some classics like "Kind of Blue" by Miles and and an original Mono pressing of "Take 5" by Brubeck. Nothing digital captures the essence of those recordings. But, the other th... | |
Is integrated the future for 2 channel audiophiles? My 50 WPC Arcam integrated doesn't have quite enough grunt to properly play my new Revels. I am now looking for a used 100 to 125 WPC power amp, using the Arcam for a preamp. I tried to simplify, but back to separates, kind of. | |
Hi-Fi Lo-Fi I have been a mid-fi enthusiast for years. My system is usually comprised of a mixture of new and used, entry-level okay stuff and Craigslist/garage sale purchases. The Audiogon forums are populated by folks who are generally into more expensive a... | |
System synergies: Chaotic or predictable? This thread started with the topic of system synergy. I have experienced being able to match components based on how I thought they would sound together. So far my guesses have been 75% successful. I had a NAD preamp and a Rotel power amp combinat... | |
How I tamed digital glare. I ran out of digital inputs on my DAC, when I added a second streaming device. I use my CD player infrequently, so I went back to the analog output on the player. I noticed that I lost a bit of detail and depth, but the sound was less fatiguing wi... | |
1973 1973 - Senior in high school. Bought my first stereo from the now defunct appliance retailer I was working at. Pioneer SX-525, KLH 17's and an idler drive cheapo Garrad TT with a Shure Cartridge. No nets or ceiling chains. Just sat it all on a sta... | |
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio? I had a few revelations:1. My late mom's cousin had me put on a pair of Olsen headphones, through his early 60's stereo, and I was hooked. I was about 12 years old.2. Swapped out some okay AR interconnects, on my analog tuner, to some low end Audi... | |
Best cheapo Cartridge I have an old AT 440 ML body with a NOS AT 125 SLC stylus on it. It works well on my vintage Technics deck. I was using an Ortofon 2M Red, but it sounded somewhat flat. The Ortofon, however, sounded better on the Project deck I used to own. I thin... | |
turntable choice I had a Debut III that I switched out the cartridge for a Grado Blue. The dreaded Grado hum was the result. Maybe the Debut Carbons don't have that problem. I found the Ortofon 2M Red was a decent upgrade, instead. | |
which car is sitting in your listening room? The car in my listening room would be a 2009 Ford Focus with about 125k miles. The A/C still works! | |
What brand was better than it is today? Uh oh, I'm gonna piss offf some vintage audio collectors. I used to sell the classic silver faced Marantz equipment in the mid to late 70's. I liked that they were relatively compact and very well built. I didn't like what I thought was their mudd... |