
Responses from motown-l

Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500
Get a used Arcam FMJ A19. Kinda on the "warm" side with a great MM phono stage. 50 WPC. Used ones range from $400 to $500. Otherwise, a used Rega Brio, not a new IO. Also 50 WPC with a good MM phono stage and a small footprint. I thought the Arcam... 
Speaker size and soundstage
Electronics also play a part. I found that my Revel speakers had a wider sounstage with an Arcam amp, than with a comparable Cambridge Audio amp.  
SS Budget "Tone" Integrated Amplifiers
I really liked my Arcam FMJ-A19. Great phono section. Kinda warm sounding, paired well with Paradigm's which were a bit forward. Probably will work well with B&W's and KEF's which also sound forward, to me. 
How to find the min and max bending radius of a cable.
I found the max bending radius of my AQ King Cobras when one of the channels shorted out. 
Drivers and how to clean them: Notes from ScanSpeak
I use a dry cotton cloth on my Revel aluminim drivers. Just enough pressure to dislodge dust, usually a gentle swipe. 
What is better, analog or digital?
Oh boy, once again the mantra of this topic should be: "it depends".  
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
My joy is finding the least expensive equipment that reproduces music to my satisfaction. I guess that makes me a cheap-ass audiophile.  
Favorite obsolete formats.....
I live in an area where there are still some excellent broadcast quality FM stations. Listening to music on some of these stations through a quality anaolg tuner is an amazing experience. 
6.5 vs 8 vs 10 woofer
Like just about any audio equipment assessment, the answer to what makes a perfect woofer diameter is: "it depends". 
Speakers The single most critical component
The most important component of speakers? Your taste and preference. 
I have been on the hunt for the best turntable I can buy. Any suggestions?
I recently bought a Philips AF877 for $75. I added some decent gold plated female RCA's and a ground lug. Lubed the main bearing, replaced the awful cuing mechanism with a beautiful Chinese made cuing arm and voila! Resonance free resin plinth, su... 
Surge protectors and power conditioners - Good idea or bad?
I live in an older, poorly grounded home in old suburb with an overloaded grid. I have most of my equipment hooked to power conditioners, except my amp. I based this decision on advice from electronic "experts" that certainly know more than I do. ... 
Most harsh/shrill sounding speakers (vintage)
Bowers & Wilkins 685's being pushed through a Rotel integrated. Ouch 
Finally found a space for the speakers I’ve been storing... and I don’t love them any more
I had a pair of Paradigm Titan Monitor v.6 (the last of the line, built in Canada). I had them paired with 1990's Rotel separates and they were a bit too intense. When I upgraded to an Arcam integrated they smoothed out and sounded like different ... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Choose between health and any material do-hickey? What's to decide?