
Responses from mozartfan

High Fidelity Sound Speaker
Hey Greg OK found the Stereo Times review of your speaker/2015 NYC Audio Show   Looking over the driver list/xover points. Justa  few suggestions. Running a  10 inch woofer 22 hz - 100 hz?? = waste of a  incredible wood cone Nd woofer's poten... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
@mozartfan Looks like you did not read my last post carefully , I am not say Whizzer cone got distortion , The main stream Speaker audio Manufactor dont use whizzer cone drivers, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Got ya Yes I just took a look at a... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
came to decision , no whizzer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEll Bache here is my Q to you IF as you say whizzers only cause problems aka distortion,, then why are the 3 big names all employing whizzers??? Did they, after all these decdaes, get... 
SET the best?
The AGDs are like a great SET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just looked at the ADG page , 7 lbs, wow thats amazing, 170 watts. Just curious, $7500 each mono, so a pair $14K , yes? I'd like to seea close up of this tube. Looks amazing. But only... 
SET the best?
mglik614 posts 12-01-2021 5:32pm I was a die hard SET guy for decades. And 45s are the best. The lower the power, the more the magic. However, I now have my destination amps-AGD Audion mono blocks. I do not miss SETs at all. The AGDs are like... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
yeah well................. You know when you found a  speaker that makes you a  happy camper audiophile>?? Is when you listen to the syms of Allan Pettersson and you say **wow, ok, so thats what I've been missing with all the previous speaker... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
absolutely no effect ~~~~ WEll I was being extreme in order to make a certain perspective. I’ve seen folks talking about placement etc. Some take it as serious business. I don’t I mean yes, having the speakers 5 ft apart before and now clearing so... 
SET the best?
No none of the above Hey Larry I am only basiing my opinions on some sound bites from our local tech,,who has heard quite a few SETs and has built a 300B SET. All I was trying to say is that the 845 hasa good reputation for delivering the goods... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
No I am very picky, been that way since 1970's. I ama  speaker hound dog,, I'm going to find the speaker that fits my CM. xover speakers attempt to give audiophiles all the 3 band widths. You asked for IT you got IT. No thanks Yeah bass check... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
big gaping hole in each one which will of course undermine the performanc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have attic insulation stuffed in the hole, you can't see it from the video. Ported at bottom. I might re add in the other Seas W18E001, after Defy is up ... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
Well as I posted on the SET topic,,,  The DIYers wish that  we all keep to a correct tag for these speakers, aka Full Range = FR When in truth they are not really FULL -Range Truth is these mysterious drivers are Full-Midrange-speakers with add... 
SET the best?
Let me try to summerize  my very long winded post above ~~SET amplificatio allows <<<more>> of the emotional expression of the music to come through~~~   <<More>> meaning are the speakers  CAPABLE of voicing this emot... 
SET the best?
I did say above  **PP amps are not so much needed with a  SET around, now more readily avaliable..** WEll I am still in experimenting stage. I am learning alot about what a  SET does and  not doing so well. Depends on the recording, music. It... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
well i am trying to promote more attention to that little known most understood, under rated full range speaker. Id say most here have never heard a  FR, yet have heard dozens xover types. A little EDU aint sucha  bad thing ya know Sorry Ignoran... 
SET the best?
larryi2,703 posts 11-29-2021 12:01pm Speaking in very broad, generalized, terms, I tend to find pushpull amps to have a "tighter" more punchy sound than SET amps. But, too much of that quality and the sound seems a bit artificial or "mechanical" a...