Responses from mulveling
Phono preamp or SUT for low output moving coil In practice it is impossible to achieve, but the practical outcome is, IMHO, the same, the lower the internal impedance of the cartridge, the greater the transfer of current to the phono stage. And that is because the internal impedance of a cart... | |
Phono preamp or SUT for low output moving coil You could get BOTH Hagerman’s Piccolo ZERO (transimpedance) and Piccolo MC (voltage drive) head-amps brand new for just over $500 and be covered for virtually any cartridge’s needs in the future (and already mentioned, "transimpedance" is not a go... | |
Need help: Tannoy or B&W? The Stirling III LZ looks great on paper, but has had mixed reviews - and it's hard to tell if that's just sour grapes from the distribution drama Tannoy went though recently, or something inherent in that model, OR just a bad sample that got sent... | |
Tung-Sol 7581A......Wow!! Another late bump here sorry. I just put a set of Tung-Sol "reissue" 7581A into Rogue ST-100 and am blown away at how full, vivid, and "classic tubey" the midrange is. A little less bass impact versus KT120, but still enough to nicely round out th... | |
How do pack a pair of large speakers You buy new packaging from the speaker manufacturer. This should 100% be your go-to if the company is still available for it. Barring that, TMR does their own custom injected Styrofoam, molded to the shape of the speaker/component on one side, ... | |
What devices have you found useful when inspecting your stylii for cleanliness? Belomo Triplet loupe - nice and sharp, crisp image. 15x is about perfect to see what you need with a bright image and not too much "judder" effect from the magnification. There is a 20x which can be useful too, but its image is dimmer. Much better... | |
Any regrets in selling gear? Oh yeah. Bought and sold lots; some I re-bought later. Many components I regret selling; others I sold off and never really desired again (learning experiences). Then a few times I bought/sold the same damn component 3 times (or more) - that’s gen... | |
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables? Mulveling, Are you saying that your platter in effect bounces up and down on its magnetic suspension when sufficiently disturbed? @lewm It does so visibly, in the extreme case when I walk by heavily (I’m > 200 lbs) on a bouncy floor with un... | |
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables? A well conceived magnetic bearing should have no "bounce" in response to external energy like footfalls, etc. If it did, you could have the above problems, especially on a TT with a spring suspension. @lewm Do you happen to know how this is ach... | |
6SN7GT VT231 TUBES All of them are pretty great, and the final choice is going to be very system & listener dependent. More often than not, I like Tung-Sol black glass round plate 6SN7 the best - if I had to pick one, that's it. Unfortunately, I've had the bad l... | |
Pop album that has stood the test of time Bruce Cockburn’s "Stealing Fires" is good, but I really love his "Night Visions" album. It’s got an instrumental "Islands in a Black Sky" that is hauntingly spectacular, and a good one to pull into system demos. The whole album is pretty cool desp... | |
Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update What is all this backlash against single listening chairs? God forbid a man have a hobby he can enjoy in solitude! I have as much company as I want in my life already. Sure it was fun having a great stereo to share when I was actively dating, but ... | |
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables? The magnetic platter is cool and eliminates most of the shipping problems, but I have to admit the practical performance of the sapphire bearing is pretty darn remarkable. It sure was a sensible solution for its time period, and still viable toda... | |
Pop album that has stood the test of time "Held up well" is of course very subjective, but I was blown away ~15 years ago when I bought an OG vinyl copy of A-Ha’s "Hunting High and Low" JUST for the huge hit "Take on Me". That’s the only song I knew, at that time - but the whole album, fr... | |
Receiver Too Weak? Home theater specifically. My biggest complain is that either the dialogue is too low relative to the other sounds or vice versa. I can’t ever seem to get them both to be the proper relative volume. @easytarget This is caused by the huge dynam... |