

Responses from mulveling

Hagerman Trumpet MC review
Great review! I agree - been recommending this phono stage for a while now. Big fan of all Hagerman analog gear, in general. His Piccolo head-amps (including the current-based Zero) are amazing for the money, and warmer than other JFET based stage... 
Seeking a Warm 12AX7 Tube for Preamp
Buy a used Mullard that test as new, you can pick up one for under $100. RCA’s are fun and sound good, kind of in the middle between Mullard and Telefunkens. RCA’s are more of a guitar tube and sounds like it but still a nice tube. Telefunkens ar... 
Is it analog or is it digital?
On top of that, they got marketed as digital amps, and some of them take a digital input and don't require a line level d/a converter. They somehow convert PCM directly into PWM to switch the amplifier on and off, so the analog signal never emerg... 
Seeking a Warm 12AX7 Tube for Preamp
OK. So I have to come clean... I made an impulse purchase. I’ve been enjoying THC edibles. And a few weeks ago I got an email about a Chi-Fi option. It is one of those "clones" that’s based on a venerable old model who’s patent has long since exp... 
Seeking a Warm 12AX7 Tube for Preamp
Mullard is the gold standard of unabashedly warm 12AX7 (and EL34, and...). Even the reissues are warm, but (in my experience) vintage British short-plates are probably the warmest & thickest sounding of all. Long-plate British Mullards are sti... 
What is turntable “liveliness”.
Thank you for your comments. I find my observations very roughly follow yours… but you mention dark… I my observational word is solidity. So, definitely not the same but in a broad spectrum… over in the same area. I’ll have to ponder your comment... 
Is it analog or is it digital?
The amps in the speakers are amps treat them as amps not digital devices with low power requirments. Amps (x2 i’m assuming) will have a much larger power draw then any digital device. Remeber a Class D amp is not digital...... This is correct. ... 
Schiit Yggdrasil DAC, why did they change it ?
I had an original A1 (USB 3) and later an A2 (USB 5). Both sounded really, really good from coaxial inputs. On each new USB version they kept claiming it was finally "there" with traditional coax, but let me tell you - USB 3 and 5 both really suck... 
Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update
Does anybody really believe a Washington Post Article?  To me that’s the amazing story here. That, and the fact most people seem content to run with just one side of the story. Kids are just as likely to be rotten as the parents, and the fact t... 
New tubes in Rogue M-180 Monoblocks
What about the input tube ((12AX7)) on the M180’s? I’ve heard it can have a pretty significant impact on sound. Any recommendations on that one? @500homeruns It does. That’s a fun slot to roll because it’s so easy (one per side, no re-bias). I ... 
Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update
I’m surprised it netted that much. I thought the monstrosity custom speakers and turntable / stand thing (once the actually-valuable high end arms and cartridges are stripped off) would have to be near give-aways; really just come and and haul it ... 
What is turntable “liveliness”.
I have never experienced the "jittery image" you describe - that is wild, but glad you resolved it with better isolation :) As far as "lively" sound, I would attach more to tonal balance placing relative emphasis on higher parts of the frequency ... 
Calling All Tube Gurus
Even on the same tube type, factories tweaked their construction from year to year. Usually to save money. Some of these changes are visible, others may not be? Anyways, we (I mean the collective "we" here, including me) probably let our audiophi... 
Deciphering Integrated Specs - Step Up Matching
Given @mulveling ’s comments and the Hana’s suggested load impedance of >80Ω, would the Quadratic’s input impedance in high mode of 70Ω (or 81.6 if that’s really the case) suggest any compatibility issue with the Hana or otherwise affect the c... 
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables?
I don't know much of the history, but older Sapphires started out with a 3-point suspension. Late models (V and up?) use a 4-point suspension. 15 years ago, I briefly borrowed an older 3-point Sapphire (w/ the gold colored platter), along with the...