

Responses from mulveling

Tannoy Canterbury, KEF Reference 5, Fyne Vintage Twelve, SF Serafino
I have Kensingtons in a similar size room with one REL S/812. I loved the Canterburys when demoed, but the dealer thought they might be a bit much for my room, though I must say they really energized the dealer’s listening room. I often wonder…th... 
Audioquest DBS - What Voltage?
I’ve got so many AQ DBS cables, and have become short on good packs over time. Plastic clips break off, the old rubber bands die, those horrible 2010s packs turn to sticky goo, etc. And unfortunately, some of the old DBS plugs don’t fit into newer... 
It was the output tubes all along...
When did this shift from rolling output tubes types to digital EQ and sources? Anyways, I do agree with @mijostyn that a good ADC + DAC conversion process can be extremely transparent. Rather shockingly so. I’ve heard this by playing my vinyl set... 
The Low Volume Loudness Dilemma
I’m an unabashed loud listener, so this desire seems very foreign to me haha. But yes, as has already been speculated, increasingly exotic gear is not the solution - some from of EQ or a good "loudness" mode is probably the way to go. You’ve hit ... 
The Medical Explanation Of Why You Are Addicted To HiFi Audio
Yes, dopamine (etc) is the magic stuff that makes us feel good. Healthy sources of its release (e.g. music, exercise to a lesser degree) seemingly have no downside. Unhealthy sources of it are far more potent, plentiful, and at the root of destruc... 
It was the output tubes all along...
@orthomead Awesome! Very interesting results, and that makes me interested to try some KT170 down the line. I’ve moved on from the 200iQs to a pair of Master 300 monos in the big system (Tannoy Canterbury GR), and Statement 450S (older, non-iQ) in... 
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable
This line of discussion regarding offset and VTA is at times amusing, and at others tiring at best. I was listening to vinyl last night, and what i find is the SOTA with Agile arm is not only the best table and arm combination I have, it is satis... 
Time For a CD Player Upgrade
One CDP not commonly referred to on this forum, but one that is a very attractive sounding device. Is the EAR Acute, it also enables other Digital Sources to be coupled to it. In comparisons the CDT > DAC, this one is not able to be different... 
Ringing from the tweeter
What’s a “high gain” slot in an all tube device? The tube supplies any gain, so gain cannot be greater than what the tube can provide. It means you add up all the net gain you see downstream, starting from that slot (inclusive). Add in power am... 
Ringing from the tweeter
(aware this is a very old topic) The Rogue 99 is a VERY high gain tube preamp. Combining this with NOS 6SN7GT tubes is bad news. No matter how well screened and low-noise selected the tube guy says they are, older GT series 6SN7 are not usable in ... 
Tannoy Canterbury, KEF Reference 5, Fyne Vintage Twelve, SF Serafino
How do you feel about SF Serafino/Amati G5 vs Tannoy/Fyne. I have a hard time finding a Tannoy dealer here in NYC, but I'll keep looking. Couldn't comment on the SF's - it's been ages since I heard one, and it wasn't at the level of what you're... 
Time For a CD Player Upgrade
I love my Meridians. They’ve depreciated a lot (fell out of vouge especially since the MQA thing), and you can get an 808v5 or v6 in you budget. They’re definitely not bright, and can hang with a good vinyl setup. As an added bonus they have digit... 
Tannoy Canterbury, KEF Reference 5, Fyne Vintage Twelve, SF Serafino
Canterburys should be fine in that room. In general, the Tannoys / Fynes are room friendly due to the dual concentric drivers and controlled dispersion. If you do run into issues, going closer (mid-field or even pseudo-nearfield) works well with t... 
Recommendation for tube preamp
moto man. Did you find extra midrange coloration with the Ref 6? I preferred my MSB direct on trying both Ref6 and ref 6 se Geez, Ref 6 is pretty uncolored and clean for a tube pre. 6H30 are generally the cleanest sounding tubes, and Ref 6 is a... 
Recommendation for tube preamp
Thanks for the explanation, but I’m not sure I understand what a "passive equalization circuit" consists of. It means resistors and capacitors. NO tubes, transistors, or integrated circuits that require a separate power rail to operate.   @jl...