Responses from mulveling
Let's Say A Guy Wanted To Chose Between A Koetsu Jade and Blue Lace is the most dynamic Koetsu but still sweet as hell, Jade is warmer - warm even for a Koetsu. My preference has been Blue Lace from hour #1 but both are undeniably Koetsu sound. | |
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum Dear @mulveling : The Atlas Lambda SL is way better and with no concern about. The friend in question has heard high-end Lyra’s at his dealer, and they’re definitely not to his preference. He’s looking for something that hits a middle ground be... | |
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum Well, good on MoFi / MusicDirect for following through and doing the right thing! Even though it took a fair threshold of blowback to get their butts moving lol. I remain unimpressed by the "value add" offered by official high-end cartridge import... | |
Clearaudio universal tonearm re-wire. Don’t have any new ideas for you (VAS sounds reasonable), but I sympathize on the long lead times getting anything from Clearaudio Germany. Simple arm boards can take several months to show up. I also have a Universal and those lead wires make me ... | |
Any love for the Gentalex Gold Lion 12ax7 gold pin? After spending a couple days with the Gold Lion started noticing soundstage was more focused in the center. Put RCA’s in and soundstage went beyond speaker boundaries and that’s no warm up, maybe I posted to soon. I still like them but better tha... | |
Any love for the Gentalex Gold Lion 12ax7 gold pin? The new tubes are very good and unless you have a large tube collection from which to conduct endless trials, it’s usually more about proper sonic pairing than raw sound quality IMO. Telefunken ribbed plates can be bright, but the smooth plate var... | |
Should I Sell My ARC REF 6 and Get A Pass Labs XP-32 As @lalitk suggested, the only way to know for sure is to buy the Pass and compare with Ref 6 in your system. I’ve gone almost all-VAC here (across 2 systems), and STILL have trouble letting go of my Ref 6. I’ll post it for sale, then almost immed... | |
No love for Legacy Audio Back when I was brand new to 2ch audio, I heard a friend’s Legacy Signature III setup. It was one of my first exposures to "real" hifi with turntable source and quality separates (BAT 6H30 tube preamp, Parasound Halo JC1 amps). I really loved it -... | |
Thank You Fumihiko Sugano and Koetsu My Blue Lace: | |
Thank You Fumihiko Sugano and Koetsu This is also a sobering reminder: many of the cartridge masters we rely on are getting up there in age - well past the normal "retirement" watermark. You could point at Ortofon as a model of continuity through multiple master designers, but quite... | |
What is the best tonearm for a SOTA Nova turntable? re Audio Research Ref3, anyone using with LOMC, like 0.3 output? I used Ref 3SE with a couple of 0.3mV Koetsu, it sounded amazing. I still preferred a good SUT w/ low gain mode, but its high gain mode alone was competitive for sure. Below 0.3m... | |
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"? I've ignored low ballers (not just their 1st offer - all further attempts as well) MANY TIMES because - well, this is my hobby and I prefer to conduct it in ways that are enjoyable to me. Haggling, entertaining ridiculous lines of questioning (ope... | |
Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube? @mulveling If mastering social media controls was a sign of intelligence, JJ tubes would sound amazing and the world wouldn’t be a toilet of moronitude. tonydennison This place is more of a web 1.0 forum / BB than it is social media. And just... | |
Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube? @yesiam_a_pirate Agree... How about Idiocrates as well for a patron? tonydennison @tonydennison If you’re going to question the IQ of modern tube makers, and decry the "meh, good enough" work ethic, it might be a better look to spend a few mi... | |
Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube? Hard disagree. I have a huge collection of vintage tubes and modern Russian production are excellent, imo. Even some of the Chinese tubes are quite good. Some of the worst sounding tubes in my collection are actually vintage RCA, late Sylvania, or... |