

Responses from mulveling

Warm vs Revealing—the struggle for balance
Oh yeah - been on both sides of that struggle too many times: Fun, dynamic and lively sound, BUT too aggressive and fatiguing, or leaving the midrange AWOL (a dry midrange is a non-starter for me, which is probably why I've gravitated to VAC elect... 
-20 DB Volume Measurment
I'm sure others will cover the technical aspect adequately. I'd just like to note that in your scenario, it's dangerous to assume you have 20dB of headroom available on your amp (dangerous if you try to push it in that direction). It doesn't work ... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
I don’t like constant innovation, innovation is not always an indication of improvement, perhaps in terms of measurements but listening ears could say the opposite and I don’t appreciate factories that put new products on the market that replace ... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@narrowfellow  Electrically, your OG Glider 0.9mV is similar to output of a modern Glider SM (or M2) at 0.8mV, but with almost twice the coil impedance: 41 ohms versus 24. It's still an OK match to a SUT, but not as good as a newer SM or SL, and ... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@sbank  Yes, I tried the LPS with Renaissance SE phono stage which has the same MC SUT inside as Ren V (also had a Ren V but did not use its onboard phono). Those Lundahl LL1931 worked OK on the 8x (lower) setting, but it was not my favorite. The... 
Looking for a Warmer Sounding Phono Cartridge
One source for your " ears "  problem ( because it's not a cartridge problems. ) could be that build material of your speaker tweeters that crossover around 2.5khz and could have some kind of ringing down there or maybe not because you said your ... 
Best Full-Function Preamplifier
@wrm57  I have a good friend with a Phi Beta, recently refreshed by VAC with new 6-tube phono - I think it's the Master phono board! It's a fantastic, top-class VAC, and definitely one to look out for on the used market. It clobbered the Ren V ha... 
Best Full-Function Preamplifier
VAC preamps have (optional) onboard phono stages that are fully "separates" quality, plus some. Only caveat is they use Lundahl SUT’s for MC gain, which is not my preference. So I patch in my own external SUT boxes and use VAC’s MM mode (all tube)... 
Let's Say A Guy Wanted To Chose Between A Koetsu Jade and
@rauliruegas Jade and Coralstone are both on the warm side here. I ended up preferring the more dynamic, detailed, "sparkly" Blue Lace. Onyx and RSP are in the middle. I like those too.  Yes, in fact, this year I have been exploring and enjoying ... 
ARC Ref 6 Tube Microphonics
This thread highlights the diversity of sensitivities we have to various noises and operational issues. Some manufacturers really need to add an alternate "high sensitivity speaker" reference rig to expose noise issues. Not ARC though - they’re do... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@lewm Yes - current, amperes! Silly me lol  
MM Phono Stages With Greater Than 40 dB of Gain?
@rauliruegas The Essential 3160 looks lovely! I’ll have to look more into it. I hate that most MM stages don’t offer loading options beyond 47Kohms. Opening this up to 100K, 500K, or 1MEG would afford SO much flexibility.  
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@no_regrets You’re welcome! I think about this stuff way too much lol. One correction: when I was saying "ohms to output" ratio I really meant the reverse "output to ohms". For an "ideal" transducer (and SUT match) you want as much output voltag... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@no_regrets The ruby plate is non-magnetic so it requires more coil windings / turns to effect the same output voltage. With the iron cross armature, the iron core basically makes coils more efficient at generating AC signal. So for example, let... 
ARC Ref 6 Tube Microphonics
The single ended connection between the Ref6 and H20 appear to be much more cooperative at 300 ohms / 50k ohms.  Wow, that's a world of difference. I believe Ref 6's circuitry is optimized to normally be best from XLR outputs (whether using SE ...