

Responses from mulveling

ARC Ref 6 Tube Microphonics
Interesting, I am using the Ref 6 connected to a Hegel H20 and then to a pair of Harbeth 40.3XD. I believe the H20 has higher than average gain at 32dB. Also the output/input impedance matching of the Ref 6 and H20 appear to be just barely OK wit... 
ARC Ref 6 Tube Microphonics
I have owned a Audio Research Ref 5SE for many years, auditioned a Ref 6, and currently own a REF6SE for several years. Dead silent. Call Audio Research. I am sure they will guide you. Probably a repair. I would strongly argue against this acti... 
ARC Ref 6 Tube Microphonics
That "chime" (ting-pshhhhh) is extremely typical of 6H30, and is quite distinct to that tube type. If it makes you feel better, other brands of 6H30 preamps have the exact same deal - any type of click relay inside such a unit will set it off. The... 
MM Phono Stages With Greater Than 40 dB of Gain?
Folks are now recommending general-purpose MM/MC phono stages. OP’s specific cartridge is NOT a normal MC. It’s a 0.05mV mega-ultra-extreme LOW output and needs something more specific. He already has a matching 50x SUT (35dB gain), which ideally ... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@normb omg, the Glider SL is so damn good for the money, isn’t it? Makes you wonder how you get all that for under $1K. And yes, it absolutely clobbers the 2M Black. @wrm57 the Ebony TR is such an interesting model, and I’m sorry I never tried i... 
Hissing at idle through one amp but not another
System gain structure. This happens when you have high gain preamp, high gain amp, and sensitive speakers in various combinations (usually 2 or 3). The signal-to-noise ratio of the preamp really matters here. Tube preamps and tube amps tend to hav... 
Looking for a Warmer Sounding Phono Cartridge
I’m surprised the Shelter 901 Mk III didn’t do what you want. Though I haven’t heard the 901 yet it looks like a Harmony motor in an aluminum body, and that same motor in the Accord (titanium shell) is truly wonderful IMO, and not too far off from... 
Clearaudio universal tonearm re-wire.
It is surprising that a problem that has become so public has not been corrected by Clearaudio. @mijostyn I love my Clearaudio decks but there are definitely "warts" not brought to light by the mainstream audio press. I’ve have a list of "WTF"... 
MM Phono Stages With Greater Than 40 dB of Gain?
So far it seems to get that level of gain is going to be had with tube based phono stages.  Are there any solid state alternatives? @mulveling The MC2000 . .05 mV, so a bit lower. I have the T2000 which is listed as having 35 dB of gain. I thin... 
MM Phono Stages With Greater Than 40 dB of Gain?
I still have an MC20 in a drawer, which also has that insanely low 0.07mV output. I remember a long time ago, I enjoyed this cartridge when I had a combination of extremely high gain preamp > 20dB) and power amp gain (> 30dB) to make up for ... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
Dear @mulveling : Maybe no distributor in USA or Europe but any one of us can buy a new LPS for less than 3k. As a fact when some one ask for cartridges in a higher level price range than what posted lewm I recomended. Problem is that for some ti... 
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
I’ve owned several Benz over the past 15 years, still do. They’re consistently excellent (starting with Ace on up) and compete very well. I really like Benz - generally preferring them to their Euro counterparts Ortofon and VdH. I feel that the lo... 
Let's Say A Guy Wanted To Chose Between A Koetsu Jade and
@lewm  I've never heard of a non-Platinum Jade, yet. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, of course. Onyx and Rosewood are the models which have been available with different magnets over the years. The older "long body" models (Rosewood and Onyx) are ... 
Let's Say A Guy Wanted To Chose Between A Koetsu Jade and
All Jades and Blue Laces have Platinum magnets, as far as I know. Onyx is the older model that has some non-Platinum magnet versions floating out there. I have an Onyx with Platinum (early P - #P022!), and one without (Musashino Labs), both rebuil... 
Compliance of a First Generation Kiseki Blackheart
I think it’s the other way - 20 dyne at 10Hz is moderately high compliance. 20 @ 100Hz is super high compliance. Kiseki’s business side is Netherlands, so there’s at least a good chance it’s Euro 10Hz spec. I can’t see a 20 dyne @ 100Hz MC cartri...