Responses from mulveling
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this In my experience it will be a bad result relying on downstream gain (20dB line stage) to make up for the lack of a proper MC headamp or SUT. Such preamps, with a normal MM stage (e.g. 44dB in your case) plus enough line stage gain to "make up" for... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this Make sure your inputs and outputs to the SUT are not reversed! I've done this before. I've also accidentally stacked two SUTs, which actually goes backwards in gain (due to really bad loading). Double and triple check all connections. In your setu... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this You absolutely need to ensure you’re loading a SUT at 47K. Any less load resistance than this, and you’ll start throwing away gain, as well as encouraging other distortions. Your talk of 40 ohm, 22 ohm resistors makes me nervous you’re adding a he... | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. It’s semantics, but tube data sheets show 0.35 A heater current (parallel) for 5814, versus 0.30 A for 12AU7. They’re close enough it will never cause a problem for gear. 12BH7 is another matter. Its heater draws 0.6 A, so that will work in some c... | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. The Trumpet MC is a lovely stage at a bargain price. I still own mine, but really need to play with it again (too much gear). In his review, it feels like Fremer just couldn’t be bothered with such a "middle-class priced" piece of gear. He got the... | |
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge @ghdprentice +1 on Koetsu cartridges. They're lovely! I got the "seven year itch" to try other cartridge brands, which I enjoy too, but now 12 years since my first Koetsu I always end up coming back to them as my longtime favorite, and remember ... | |
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge @mijostyn That's why I mentioned the dual-pivot option. It seems to be a key component of getting Koetsus to work well on VPI's 3D arm. It's not really a "unipivot" anymore. I lent another friend a Jade; he reported mixed results on the stock 3D... | |
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge @michobr59 I took my Koetsu Rosewood Sig Platinum over to a friend’s VPI HR-X with 3D Reference arm and it sounded wonderful - exactly like it should. I was wary about the effective mass too, but it didn’t matter. Note though, he had the dual pi... | |
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge Personally I think it’s crazy to wait several months "or so" for a 3rd party retip - either going without, or buying a "cheap" interim cart in the meantime. There are lots of great options that take less time than creating a full human being. Sin... | |
My experience with the First Watt F7 +1 thanks for sharing your experience! Too many of us fail to report the "didn’t work out" side of things; certainly not with as much detail as you have. It’s a missing aspect of our hobby - the overwhelming proportion of positive reviews & co... | |
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge So, the cleaners destroyed my phono cartridge yesterday while dusting even though I’d cautioned them against dusting my stereo. Same story pops up regularly. Telling them not to dust the table does nothing. Guys, the only way to protect your ca... | |
PS Audio BHK 600 Geez, no need to bash PS Audio for simply releasing product into a higher-end tier. Just wait and see how they do. They’ll be fighting against brands with more cachet, so it’s gonna be an uphill battle, but good luck to them. It’s not like they ju... | |
Why do so many people have problems with bass? Yeah it’s hard, for a lot of reasons - both limitations of the transducers and acoustic complexities of the room. I can’t stand thumpy / thwacky bass that sounds disjointed from the music - which is really easy to do, even with high end gear. I al... | |
Ever Damage A Stylus Using Cleaning Brush? @prof I’d be very surprised if your cartridge is worn after only 18 months. That’s hard to do; your Benz uses a very high quality stylus and doesn't track heavy. With a heavily worn stylus, you’d most likely hear a sonic fuzz/grunge/haze type di... | |
Phono Stage Gain - how does it impact sound? I used Sonic Frontiers Phono 1 as my main stage for a while. Sweet sound, spec'd at 64dB but apparently measures around 60dB. There was a very clear line where cartridges ~ 0.45 - 0.5mV would sing with that stage. - full dynamics, good bass, balan... |