Responses from mulveling
Is it worth using an Anticable level 5 for a PHONO PREAMP? Overkill? 8 AWG is a bit overkill for a phono stage, yes. That doesn't mean that it won't sound good, or that you won't like the effect. Phono stages have an absolutely constant power draw (unlike power amps) so you don't need "uncompressed power delivery"... | |
Is there a strategy in preamp tube placement? Yeah largely sized tube elements combined with lots of gain is a challenge. It’s also hard for those flimsy mica spacers to tightly hold down the grid/plates/cathode spatial relationships enough versus the gain factor, especially after all these d... | |
Are You Happy With Your Phono Preamp? @clearthinker Even if the tonearm input is single-ended, if the ARC has a differential input stage, then it can be balanced from the point of input through to its XLR outputs. But it would NOT be a balanced run from the cartridge to the ARC’s RC... | |
Are You Happy With Your Phono Preamp? But I still cannot see how it can be fully balanced if it has only phonos for inputs. If phonos can be balanced, why does it need XLRs for outputs? And why do ARC included XLRs in and out on the Ref pre-amps? And on earlier phono amps like the PH... | |
Is there a strategy in preamp tube placement? Questions to you guys with the Ken Rad with microphonic. How do you guys deal with this issue? or do you simply just live with it? Thanks. Yes, I can confirm Ken-Rads tend to be the most microphonic and can have come-and-go noise issues. Vibrat... | |
Is there a strategy in preamp tube placement? The loose "rules of thumb": Upstream / input tube slots (e.g. "V1"), and slots that contribute gain (as opposed to follower or buffer tubes) are more sensitive to tube rolling, and you should use your best tubes here. But then there are also mu... | |
Are You Happy With Your Phono Preamp? Definitely - the ARC Ref 3 phono & 6 pre are a natural, beautiful match. Though I don't have an ARC amp, the ARC pre+phono pairing still shines here. Of the 3 non-ARC amps I have, the 2 more clean / neutral / fast / dynamic sounding amps (Ph... | |
Is it me or new audio gear is too perfect and give ear fatigue? It certainly is very easy these days to build systems that have way too much high frequency energy and/or is fatiguing. The two are correlated but not equivalent - SOME gear has a perceived excess of treble / HF energy, but is of such a very high ... | |
Are You Happy With Your Phono Preamp? I was thrilled when I upgraded to a VAC Renaissance SE phono stage ~ 4 years ago. It made vinyl a more more engaging, beautiful experience. My prior phono was a Rogue Ares Magnum - good for the money, but the rest of my system (especially table &a... | |
This TT Setup Shouldn’t Sound this Good Obviously the new Oracle is no slouch. Biggest variable is gonna be the cartridges, and the fact that you have a SUT in the Oracle chain, versus all-tube active gain on the other rig. Unfortunately the Benz LPS won't agree with a SUT, but if not t... | |
Oh Boy Schiit Announces 10 Tube Headphone Amp for $1799.00 Wonder what it will cost to retube with high quality NOS tubes? The eight 6N6p are still cheap, ~ $20 a tube, and the input pair can use a plethora of available new 61Np (also ~ $20 each) and new or vintage 6922 / 6DJ8. There are no rolling op... | |
Oh Boy Schiit Announces 10 Tube Headphone Amp for $1799.00 Each tube increases chance for noise With paralleled output tubes, this hardly matters. The SNR spec 90dB / 100dB is excellent. You won’t hear any noise unless you grossly mismatch this amp to an IEM. It would be a different story if this was a... | |
Oh Boy Schiit Announces 10 Tube Headphone Amp for $1799.00 Even on a good day, I'm far from a Schiit fanboy. But this is cool! It's a fairly novel offering in the market. OTL tube headphones amps have been around for ages, and its pain points have always been limited applicability (due to high output im... | |
Rogue 100 dark Yep that’s the Rogue tube amp sound. The midrange is a bit dry, certainly more than you’d expect from tubes. Sometimes they can sound a bit bright, as shipped with stock tubes (depending on what those are - it’s changed over years). This doesn’t c... | |
New Koetsu on Ebay from Japan??? In Tokyo, my Urushi cost about 40% of the then current US price, with warranty and all. So I was happy to consign a profit to the dealer who sold it to me. No problem. That was a good deal! |