Responses from mulveling
Playing with Cartirdge loading on my phono stage When you go lower ohms - I hate saying lower load because technically that’s a tougher load for the cartridge - you can start to lose noticeable signal, like 1 dB and more as you slide down below a 10x coil-to-load ratio (about half a dB at a 20x ... | |
Lowering Tube power amp output It is frequently over 90 degrees outside… my partner is disabled and uncomfortable so I keep the house at 70 degrees. Even so, my electric bill (with 100 hours of 36 tubes… 8 KT150s running) is less than my Verizon bill, insurance bill, property ... | |
Lowering Tube power amp output I’ve heard you can start removing push-pull pairs on each side (normally 3 push-pull pairs per side), but as noted this will be suboptimal. You’ll have to re-bias if you do this. You can also just drop the tube biases down from the standard 40mA t... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this @lewm From specs listed in the SP-14 Sterephile review: Phono stage gain: 66dB (to main out), 46dB (to tape-out). Phono sensitivity: 0.25mV at 1kHz for 0.5V output. Line stage gain: 20dB (to main out), 0dB (to tape out). Line sensitivity: 50mV R... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this @woofhaven1992 Glad we got that mystery solved! As for the MC vs. MM - perhaps semantics but I wouldn’t consider the SP14 as having an MC stage. An MC stage would have a ~ +20dB headamp or SUT up front *before* the RIAA stage. This SP14 has a 4... | |
arc ref5-se Its been up off and on for like four years! I have a friend who tried to buy it quite a while ago..."oh it just sold". How many zombie ads are like this one? I tried to buy a PS Audio P12 conditioner a couple years ago, and had to track him dow... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this @woofhaven1992 Your observed behavior is entirely consistent with the MM phono input load being much lower than 47K ohms. I know you said it was recently serviced by ARC and therefore should not deviate for spec, but mistakes do happen - it’s po... | |
arc ref5-se I mean, sometimes low hours really is low hours. Not everyone is out to scam. Some of us hobbyists accumulate lots of gear and don't give certain pieces much use for a very long time 😅 But the 5SE has lost a fair bit of market value since the 6 (... | |
Moving from integrated to separates 50 watts is not 50 watts. Class D compared to Class A? I’m a huge fan of tubes and respect the special qualities of class A topologies, but in my experience 50 Watts is indeed 50 Watts - as it pertains to the upper limit of the amp. We’re not d... | |
Moving from integrated to separates @soix damn that’s a tempting price on that 300.1a! | |
Moving from integrated to separates You do realize that doubling the power will only give you 3 dB more volume? If you are happy with the bass control you now have, you may be moving sideways. This gets said a lot, but to me 3dB is a whole lot! Find your "optimal" listening level... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this The EAR MC-3 and MC-4 also use that "tap / coil ohms" labeling, and I hate it lol. There is no "standard" for what actual dB gain or ratio these ohm labels correspond to. And they generally assume a traditional iron coil former (efficient), but ca... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this In my experience it will be a bad result relying on downstream gain (20dB line stage) to make up for the lack of a proper MC headamp or SUT. Such preamps, with a normal MM stage (e.g. 44dB in your case) plus enough line stage gain to "make up" for... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this Make sure your inputs and outputs to the SUT are not reversed! I've done this before. I've also accidentally stacked two SUTs, which actually goes backwards in gain (due to really bad loading). Double and triple check all connections. In your setu... | |
Added an SUT...not sure I understood this You absolutely need to ensure you’re loading a SUT at 47K. Any less load resistance than this, and you’ll start throwing away gain, as well as encouraging other distortions. Your talk of 40 ohm, 22 ohm resistors makes me nervous you’re adding a he... |