Responses from noble100
Ice Amp 125ASX2 seanheis 1, Sorry the Ice amp didn't work out for you. Like many have mentioned, class D amps are very neutral and add nothing to the source signal. I own 3 and they all have that quality. With my 1st (CassD Audio SDS-440-SC), I paired it... | |
Ice Amp 125ASX2 guidocorona, Hello, my friend. I'm glad you found this thread and decided to contribute your thoughts. I know you're very knowledgeable about class D amplification and I'm grateful for all the assistance you gave me when I was just beginn... | |
Ice Amp 125ASX2 seanheis 1, I think you're going to like it. Like several posters have stated, these class D amps are very neutral. I use a total of 5 class D amps in my combo 5.1 ht/ music system utilizing 3 different power modules listed below:Anaview/Abl... | |
Ice Amp 125ASX2 seanheis 1, geared4me has a good point about knowing your budget range,so please answer this 5th question,too..Thanks, Tim | |
Ice Amp 125ASX2 seanheis 1, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with how good the newer class D amps perform. I think the Ice amp 125asx2 module was intoduced about 5 yrs ago and was considered a much better performer than the original Tripath modules. T... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? pryso, I was just messing with you on the model Six question since you specifically said:"Just don't ask me whatever happened to his Model Six!."Later, Tim | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? pryso, I get all my Vandersteen info on the internet I do not know Richard Candersteen and you seem to be more knowledgeable than myself. I've heard Vandersteen speakers, including the Quatro Woods, several times and have always been im... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? pryso, Thanks for the info. But why did you ask me about the Quatro name if you already knew the answer? Wiseguy, I was just guessing. Whatever happened to his model Six?Tim | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? pryso, I forgot to respond to your question on why Vandersteen calls hiis speakers 'Quatro". I don't know for certain, but it may have something to do with the speaker being a 4-way design: treble, mid-range, bass and sub bass. Quatro is ... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? Hi pryso, It seems like we've both been involved in this hobby a similar amount of time, myself for over 4 decades. I also generally agree with the traditional definitions you listed: bass=20-160 hz, midrange=160-2k hz and treble=2k-20k... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? pryso,I'm not sure if you know, or have heard, how good Vandersteen speakers are. The Quatro Woods that dcbingaman owns are one of their top models. They are full-range speakers that are expensive (about $11k) and have been very well reviewed. ... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? Hi,Bingaman, Sorry, fell asleep in the middle of my last post. I'll continue from where I left off below: ....have 2 pairs of spkr output terminals and have some sort of in-home free trial period. I'll probably post my results on this thread... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? dcbingaman, I agree that both class A/B and class D amps can work very well as sub amps. You've convinced me that the only way to know which I prefer is to buy a high powered class D amp, that can handle 4 ohm loads, and compare. I think 'I... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? johnnyb53, I understand your situation because I've been in the same one many times; your wants are just a bit beyond your available funds. But you bought some good subs at bargain prices and have made it work well in your room. I never... | |
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system? dcbingaman, Thanks for clarifying. So, in effect, your system does consist of 7 subs; the 2 in your main Vandersteens, the normal 4 Swarm subs driven by the supplied amp and an extra 5th Swarm sub located in-wall that's driven by a dedicated ... |