Responses from noble100
Do you think you need a subwoofer? For anyone seriously considering deploying a distributed bass array system in their system and room, I believe the thought of where to locate 4 subs is a common concern. It was definitely a concern of mine until I went through the rathe... | |
Class D Technology Hi Guido, I think you're correct that the D-Sonic stereo amp (M3-3000S) uses the Pascal X-Pro2 module, the same module JRRG uses in their C2 integrated, and their top of the line mono-blocks(M3-1500M) utilize Pascal X-Pro1 modules. The D-... | |
Center channel questions keis, Another unique solution would be to buy an Oppo 103 or 105 Blu-ray player instead of an AVR. Both Oppos have built in surround sound (up to 7.1) and analog audio outputs for each channel.just like an AVR but at least you'd have the adde... | |
Class D Technology h2oaudio/Henry, Makes sense that PS is using the B&O ASC700 Ice module when comparing specs. I think you're right since I found this quote from Ps Audio owner, Paul McGowan, in one of his newsletters:" The Stellar mate to the Gain Cell DA... | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. Dave, Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I found Raul's posts somewhat incomprehensible at times. But that didn't stop me from posting a lengthy post on his thread earlier this afternoon spreading the word on distributed bass array system... | |
Do you think you need a subwoofer? Forgot to state some disclaimers: I have no association with, or financial interest in, anything to do with distributed bass array systems whatsoever. I am just a very satisfied user and big fan.Tim | |
Do you think you need a subwoofer? Raul:"According to scientific studies four subs are optimal in a home audio system." As a user of the 4 sub approach for the past year, I can attest to the validity of these scientific studies. I've found the 4 sub approach has been an e... | |
Class D Technology i Wonder which class D power module PS is using in the Stellar monos? I would think they'd be sharp enough to audition the newer Abletec and Pascal modules and compare them to the Ice and Hypex to use the best performer. Anyone know? Guid... | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. Dave,"One more finger in reserve.."?" Cool. Thanks for clarifying. I just wanted to put my thoughts down. I know I have no control over what readers do with the info I give and that's fine with me. I think I'm just still a bit amped u... | |
Replacing Emotiva XPA-2 & XPA-5 power amps in HT system with class D uberwaltz, I think D-Sonic is a very good choice for a multi-channel class D amp, too. Looks like the 7-ch is very flexible and I know the Ice, Abletec and Pascal modules he offers in his amps are all good performers. Dennis is great to deal ... | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. Dave, You stated:" Nice to know Tim. Nothing like being set up by someone with an agenda to push posing as a real person. Shoulda known." My wife has often accused me of 'posing as a real person' but I didn't expect this from you! I'm ... | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. Hi Dave, Thanks for the explanation. The method you used, playing the sub at your listening position and then walking (squatting) around the room to find the spot where the bass sounds best and then locating the sub to that spot, is the ex... | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. Dave, Very interesting how you're utilizing your 2 REL subs set to 'out of phase' to reduce bass standing waves in your room. I haven't heard of this before. You state that this has actually reduced the perceived bass at your listeni... | |
Class D Technology David, My main points of contention are with your earlier post in which you implied that class D amps have inherent compromises in sound quality and your last post in which you said class D sacrifices sound quality for efficiency. You don't s... | |
Class D Technology mitch2, Thank you for your reply, I agree with all you stated and now have a better understanding of your thoughts, situation and position. I'm glad we were able to clarify and think it's a good sign that we were both able to find amplif... |