Responses from noble100
Class A/B Home THeater Receivers brucew5828, I just wanted to add that many class D amps have a choice of inputs (XLR balanced or RCA unbalanced). I use XLR from the Oppo's outputs to my front l+r mono-blocks and RCA for all other amps. As for space considerations, if y... | |
Class A/B Home THeater Receivers Hi brucew5828, This is Darth Vader and I just have a few questions for you:Do you enjoy having a large and heavy HT receiver?Do you appreciate HT receivers that tend to operate on the warm-hot side which is a major reason for internal electronic ... | |
Magnepans natureboy, Can you give us a rough estimate of what you're willing to budget for:1. Magnepans( 2.5R, 1.7i, 3.7 or 3.7i)2. Speaker cables3. Possible mods to speakers Just a range you're willing to pay for each is sufficient.Thanks, Tim | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. Hi Al, Good point about the weight, 1,600 lbs is no joke. I have no idea what the weight capacity of a typical living or family room above a basement would be. I would think it all depends on the supporting structure underneath. If the... | |
Class D Technology timrhu, I agree, class C amps are not for you. But have you heard about the latest class D amps? WOWIE WOW! Where should I start?......Later, Tim | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. sautan904, " 2x 12" it is. Yes. My stereo system will be setup and professional tune for my listening area with acoustic treatment too. home theater will be setup by another HT and Mcintosh specialist." Well, you made your decision and ... | |
Magnepans natureboy,stewart0722 stated:" Whoever said that the 2.5 sounds better than a 1.7i needs to go hear the 1.7i (and he said he had not)......I have heard both of them (in the case of the 2.5 though, it was a quarter of a century ago!)" Focusi... | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. I need to make 2 corrections to my reply post earlier tonight about my DEBRA distributed array bass system:1. Each sub contains a 10" woofer, not an 8" woofer.2. The subs are connected in-parallel, not in-series.Sorry, Tim | |
Choosing Sub-woofers. Please advise ASAP. sautan904, You obviously have invested in some very good amps and speakers. Getting a good bass system in place will complete the audio portion of your home theater. I think I'm the 3rd person to recommend multiple subs for the best bass p... | |
Magnepans natureboy, As stewart0722 mentioned, the 2.5/R are older speakers circa 1987. They have a freq. range of 37-40,000 hz +/- 3 db. A big plus of these spkrs is that they have the very good true ribbon tweeter panel section, not the QR (Quasi-rib... | |
Class D Technology georgelofi, Thank you for the further clarification. I just tried your suggestion with an older (non-muting) portable radio in the 500-800 khz am/band range on my amps with results being no discernible change in sound.or level. Reassuring r... | |
Class D Technology atmasphere, Good points about class D amps being immune from noise due to their modules or the smps but that RF radiated noise could be a problem for other equipment nearby and even pacemakers and other electronics either within or separate ... | |
Class D Technology Hi Guido, Very good summary of the evolution of class D over the last few decades. I've become familiar with your thorough knowledge of most things class D over the last few years and I'll take your word for it that early class D amps did suf... | |
Class D Technology Question: If a tree falls in the forest, but no one was there to hear it, does it still make a sound?Answer: Yes, the theory being the tree hitting the ground moved the air and created the sound. Because someone was not there to hear th... | |
Class D Technology I've read about all this supposed noise produced by my class D monos due to their SMPS rather than a typical analog power supply and all the noise produced in the audible band due to their switching frequency being too low. However, the only ... |