Responses from noble100
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong Great post snapsc! Your description of the performance characteristics of your Digital Amplifier Company 2Cherry class D amp to what I experience with my D-Sonic M3-600-M mono-block class D amps are remarkably similar. I also fo... | |
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :) Hello auxinput, Arrogance? That's me being polite and diplomatic. I prefer to just call 'em like I see 'em, communicate in a direct and honest manner and try not to offend anyone in the process. I think, if you reread my post, you'll discov... | |
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong Erik:"To repeat, the point of this thread is not "my amp sounds better than yours." It is that we need to stop using 1990's Class D sound to describe modern Class D. Treat modern Class D amps as you would any other amp and decide what to buy or no... | |
Recommended receiver for HT Hello dbphd, I'm trying to help you downsize and streamline while still having some fun. Just the Oppo suggestion as surround processor eliminated the need for your Bryston SP-3 and a new receiver. But your fighting my efforts by not ev... | |
Recommended receiver for HT Hello dbphd, I thought since you have all the ingredients for a high quality HT system, an Oppo,KEF 204/2c center, a pair of KEFT301 as mains, four KEF LS50s for side and rear surrounds, two 15"subs, two 10" subs and an SMS-1 sub controller, y... | |
Anyone Else Using an Audio Kinesis Swarm or Debra Distributed Bass Array System? Hello shoresaudio, Yes, as the owner of Audio Kinesis, Duke Lejeune, likes to say: "Two subs will sound twice as good as one. Four subs will sound twice as good as two. And 8 subs will probably get you divorced." As you've discovered, the ... | |
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :) Hello auxinput, Yes, I was messing with you just enough to not be offensive but still make my point. I am a big fan of class D but it's not a blind loyalty. If there are shortcomings I'm very interested to know about them. The frustratin... | |
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :) auxinput: "The downside is that the Class D "sound" is not for everyone. I am particularly sensitive to the current Class D "lack of high frequency extension and air". Also, many of the Class D offerings use switching power supply. The ATI AT5... | |
Recommended receiver for HT dbphd:"The only thing that gives me pause about a receiver is that I do enjoy opera on Blu-ray, and, of course, Legends of Jazz, but that might be done by the DX-5 DSD to the stereo setup-- video goes directly to the projector from the disc player... | |
Recommended receiver for HT Hello dbphd, If you're going to use an Oppo 205 or 105D as a source, your problem is solved and you'll only need a 5 to 7 channel amp and some cables. You also won't need the Bryston SP3 or a separate receiver. Both Oppos have multiple ESS... | |
What system can adequately reproduce the sounds of a tanker being hit by torpedo ? Elizabeth:"Who needs loud when you can't manage soft?" Well put, Elizabeth. I like soft, I like loud and my CDs are just missing the natural, realistic, live music-like dynamic ability to accurately reproduce the sudden transitions between th... | |
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :) viridian: "Class D, what planet are you from? Getting paid by the word now, newbie?"Hello viridian, Okay, okay. Yes, we're all aware you're one of those hideous, large insect like Viridian things from the planet Virid and I'm the Earthling th... | |
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :) I agree a tube integrated would sound the most pleasing to most listeners, including Egoq, but he and his brother will be using his system for monitoring recordings and he stated "so it’d be good for us to have a system with the lowest distor... | |
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :) I agree with Erik, it seems like Egoq would benefit from gaining some more experience by trying several different integrated amps, of various amp types, with his Forte IIIs. This will enable him to discover for himself whether amps sound dif... | |
Help in hooking up a sub woofer. 246810, This is a viable option but it's not needed if you buy a sub with speaker level inputs, like either of the $500 SVS subs. $40 you don't really need to spend plus the extra hookup complexity. Why bother?Tim |