

Responses from nrenter

Subwoofer doubts: crossover setting for 60hz speakers
IMHO, the main reason so many people have issues integrating subs into their system is that they try to cross them over WAY too high. If your -3dB point of your speakers is 60 Hz, I'd begin experimenting with a sub crossover point of 0.7 x 60 Hz =... 
LAST record preservative improves the sound
Just dove into a bottle of Last Record Preservative and...I'm convinced. I do have some questions that I've not seen definitively answered...I think I'll reach out to Walter and if I get a response, I'll post it here. 
Warmest sounding Green Mountain speaker?
Kenjit,Thanks for posting a link to the BBB complaint. I needed a good laugh today. My favorite part of the complaint is:Recently I opened the speaker up to see if I could in any way fix it to make it sound better. But despite this I have been una... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
I think what's most interesting about the low end is the articulation. I have a home made test disk that goes from 10 Hz to 300 Hz in 1 Hz steps. From the mid-20's up, the change in frequency is EASILY discernible. They don't produce chest thumpin... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
I don't think it's fair to simply call the Quatro CT just a speaker (and to compare it to other speakers). It's part of a system with many components that aren't required / included with other speakers.Yes, it's a 3-way speaker. However, it also i... 
Single vs Double Bi-wire....should I reconsider?
Well...If you look at the cable geometry, the Rocket 44 is pretty similar to a double bi-wire type 4. The Rocket 44 is basically 2 parallel star-quad runs in a single sheath. This is why the Rocket 44 cable is a good single bi-wire candidate. Howe... 
Has anyone heard the Vandersteen Quattro wood CT
I have a set on order...I'll let you know in a few weeks. 
Cary 805 vs v12
Before my Ayre system, I had the SixPacs driven by a AES AE-3 DJH pre-amp (loved that pre-amp). Speakers were B&W N805 / REL Strata III. Turntable was a Teres monkeywood belt-driven 255 / OL Silver / Shelter 501. Phono stage was a Wright WPP-2... 
Cary 805 vs v12
You may want to chat with a few people that know this line well, like a John Rutan @ Audio Connection or Kevin Deal @ Upscale Audio. A half-dozen EL34s aren't going to sound like a single 211, but perhaps a bit of tube rolling may give you more of... 
Cary 805 vs v12
I don't think you'll gain anything by moving to a (stereo) V12...and you'll probably be taking a step backwards. I owned the SixPacs and loved them (but sold them because I couldn't take the heat they produced, and my neuroses over tubes got in th... 
Upgraded Ayre CX-7e to a CX-7e mp: Expect What?
It becomes more better.Honestly it's tough to say what you'll hear. My CX-7e MP is feeding an Ayre AX-7e using balanced Purist Museaus interconnects. I heard more space between the notes. It was a worthwhile upgrade. 
Purpose of Dome on Tweeter...
Duke,Would there be an advantage to domed woofers? 
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
Well, I guess classical is only well-reproduced on dynamic cone speakers, because I've never heard metal well-reproduced on anything other than that. It's gonna break the hearts of Quad and Maggie owners that their speakers aren't that good. 
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
"... if a speaker is really good at classical music, it will be good with metal too."I kinda disagree. IMHO classical is very a forgiving music genre (from a tonal perspective). I've heard classical well-reproduced on Quads and Maggies and Martin ... 
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
I'd stay away from horn, electrostats and planners.IMHO, metal needs critically-damped, very articulate dynamic (cone) speakers driven by solid-state that can really control the speakers. You can lessen the requirements of the amp if you high-pass...