

Responses from oddiofyl

Anyone still using this player? Sony DVP-S9000ES
I have one, its a great machine.....    once I move it will go into a 2nd system.   Not many machines built like that today. 
Moving tube equipment
When i move a piece of tube gear, I pull the tubes one by one and I mark the box with the tube position. V1 , V2 etc so my matched pairs stay matched. 
If I can't afford a new Conrad Johnson pre amp...
I have a conrad - johnson Classic 2SE... it is a great sounding pre.    I love it , they can be had reasonably .   It is void of any features like balance or remote but it sounds phenominal for the money.   Quicksilver Audio makes great equipment ... 
Klipsch Heresy 4?
Im using a pair of Quicksilver Mid Monos.   40 w with EL 34 tubes....   it will take any EL 34 or 6L6 variant...   KT66, KT77, KT88, etc.... great amps    
TOTL Headphone Amps
Big Greg,  no offense taken !    I assure you if you spent some time with either amp you would agree that they are superb performers.   Both made in USA by companies with serious audio roots.You have a unique perspective,  you are a DIY guy who ca... 
Bose 901
Ok I admit it.... I owned a pair...  I was 16 and working at Lechmere Sales in the Boston area.  I got a pair of 901 V for super cheap.... they were returned , no box or manuals so my boss let me take them for next to nothing.  Set them up with my... 
If I have good local shops available, should I restrict my purchasing?
I always try to find what I'm looking for locally....  many of my purchases are local.  Preamp, amps, turntable, blu ray, headphones, speakers, DAC, cables..... all from local dealers, mostly new.  I thought I got a good deal, in fact everything e... 
What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have?
Radio control....I'm into all scales of surface vehicles , mostly cars.  1/5 scale, 1/ 4 scale on and off road cars with weedwacker engines.  Also into electric 1/10 scale on and off road.  1/8 scale nitro powered....Gas powered boats too.Also int... 
TOTL Headphone Amps
I have to say, I really like the Neve.   It has 3.5mm, RCA,  and xlr/ trs combo inputs.   I have it connected directly to my DAC's balanced outs 25' away.    The Quicksilver is connected to my pre's tape out so all my sources appear at it's input.... 
How Do You Set Up a Headphone System?
The beauty of a good headphone rig is that it takes the room out of the equation.  I have three headphones I'm currenty using, a portable battery powered amp, a Rupert Neve amp and the Quicksilver Headphone Amp.  Depending on the music and my mood... 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
The Quicksilver Audio Headphone Amp.....   seriously good for the money.    EL84 SET Amp.   Worth every penny 
Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?
BIC America builds for HSU and they are the oem for other companies 
Vacuum tube ! And Warnings
Some Quicksilver amps can use a number of tubes.... the bias pot has enough range but like rodman said turn the bias completely counter clockwise first then slowly up to bias spec.   My QS can use EL34, 6L6, 6550, Kt66, KT77, KT88, and some others... 
TOTL Headphone Amps
I agree, the Rupert Neve is a great amp.   Worth every penny.   I have had one for about 2 years.   It makes any phones sound great.   Unlikely a better amp than the Neve at it's price.  I would say it has the lowest noise floor of any component I... 
Free To A Good Home, McIntosh Power Meter
Now that’s paying it forward!!!