

Responses from oddiofyl

Are you buying the right interconnects ?
I had a similar experience with MIT interconnects.....  I had a bad one and swapped it out with a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven.  Night and day, it was like I pulled a blanket off my speakers.   Crack one of those "Terminator" boxes open and you wil... 
New Preamp arrived....
Enjoy !!!    I am listening to my Quicksilver Mid Monos right now....  I never tire of these amps...  they sound incredible for their modest price.   AND  they are super reliable.  The value of Mike's gear is very high for the $$$.    His stuff ki... 
VTL preamps tonality (and vs. PrimaLuna)?
I would caution you on buying used VTL.... they treat second owners like dirt.....they do make nice sounding gear, no doubt .   Worst service I've ever encountered. 
How many of you believe in MQA?
While the analog outs of the Vault 2i / Node 2i sound really good playing a Tidal Master , I think my DAC sounds better with the 24/96k output from my Vault.   It's not subtle     
I'm not even quite sure how to phrase my question, but here it goes...
My DAC always IDs the Tidal "CD" quality as 44.1k and Master / MQA shows up as 96k....    either way it sounds great in my opinion, and like bob said, very program dependent....  I think I will do a trial Qobuz script to A / B....  My Vault is the... 
Why does streaming need to be so complex
I have a Bluesound Vault 2i and it has literally changed the way I listen to music.   It changed my life........ 
Crackling and hiss - Preamp tubes not seated right?
I was apprehensive about JJ tubes, I had read some posts about reliability.    I retubed my Quicksilver Mid Monos with JJ EL 34, 12ax7,  6922 , and they have never sounded better.   Incredible tone and huge soundstage .    I also put a JJ 6922 in ... 
What just happened to accepting Paypal?? looks like they are trying to drive us away
Never a problem with Audio Mart and way less hassle... 
VTL 7.5 S3 vs Jeff Rowland Corus with PSU
Nothing against VTL sound, but i can tell you first hand their service is the worst I've experienced ....ever.   Horrible. 
NETGEAR Powerline Adapter 2000 Mbps
Glad you got that resolved....  the convenience plug on the PL was the first thing I checked.   The PL is a great device, maybe it was just not playing nice with the home's wiring..I gave it to my son for his game console so at least it's not coll... 
Bluseound Node 2i
The Node is awesome for sure, especially for the money.  I have the Vault 2i and it has literally changed the way I listen to music.  I bought it for it's ripping / storage feature but I use it for Tidal the most.   Bluesound is always improving t... 
Crackling and hiss - Preamp tubes not seated right?
New Sensor makes some duds, regardless of whether they are branded Mullard,  Tungsol. EH, etc...    I have actually had better luck with EH tubes than any other brand made by New Sensor.   Despite what I've read about JJ reliability, I decided to ... 
Best Tubes on Market today?
HiFirst with respect to buzzing, noise.... My ex wife used to use those plug in air fresheners.   It took me a while to trace, especially after swapping known good tubes and getting the same result.  It was a noise that mimicked a bad tube.   It w... 
Matching Gear matter to you?
Quicksilver is high value to $$$ ratio in my opinion.   I love my Mid Monos.   They kick ass!!!   DEAD silent into 99dB sens speakers...  i am talking complete dead silence. Super reliable and sound fantastic with any output tube you choose.  I wo... 
Need help to find a solid state amp that sounds as good as VTL S200
Sure,  VTL has made some great sounding amps.....   but my personal experience with VTL 's horrible service did not turn me off from tubes.   Want reliability and exceptional service ?  Check out Quicksilver  V4 monos.   170w Monos.I went from SS ...