

Responses from oddiofyl

Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
Try the Class A 15 watt with the Heresy, you may be pleasantly surprised  
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
I don't know if it is truly mechanical break in, or my ears acclimating to the new sound but it took a little while for them to open up but they sounded great after a few weeks.     
Vacuum Tube Retailer Option
They look like they cater to guitar guys..... you will never find 6dj8 or its cousins at a music store.  Although a lot of their stuff looks like it would appeal to both musicians and hi fi. 
Audio Control M8 Processor-Question
Might want to post in HT category.. 
PS Audio PWD II vs. NAD M51
The M51 is a great DAC,   I love mine , but I think they are about to retire it soon.  There have been no firmware updates in quite a while.  I have no plans to replace it anytime soon it's that good.  Good deals on used ones. 
A vote for the little guy suppliers
Quicksilver Audio , great support , even better gear.....  I love my Mid Mono amps. 
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
I placed mine a little further apart than my last speakers and the Heresys have a huge soundstage and surprisingly good imaging. I feel part of the reason they work well in this room is because they don't produce much bass below 60hz which helps a... 
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
Enjoy ,I love my H3 
What is considered a "standard" percentage of devaluation per year foor high end speakers?
Four years ago I purchased a like new pair of Revel M106 for $1250.   Listed them on Craig’s for $1100,  sold for $1000.  Buyer was happy,  I was happy to get $1k, effectively “renting” them for $250.  I bought my my amps for half of new at only 1... 
What is considered a "standard" percentage of devaluation per year foor high end speakers?
I like Elizabeths formula....It had held true for a number of speakers I've bought and sold...   
Owners Manual
I think in this age of technology any decent manufacturer should make manuals available for download....why Vandersteen didn't suggest their site seems strange... 
Owners Manual
That’s great customer service from Vandersteen.... They couldn’t send you a .pdf?   Sad 
Audible Illusions Tube Pre-Amp Hum- Help Diagnosing
I have a C-J that uses a 6922 tube.   I had the same symptom.  Replaced tube and it was quiet again.  Used Gold Lion 6922, excellent tube.   
Klipsch Speakers, Where Should I Look For The Best PRices
I recently bought Klipsch Heresy III and they are great speakers.   I auditioned them at a dealer and ordered them in Cherry.  They gave me a better price than any authorized dealer online.  But even if they were the same or a little less I still ... 
I think you are out of line asking for Atma's intellectual property and R&D laid out for you .   That would be like me asking C-J to send me all the values and part numbers to populate the board and make it a Classic preamp with phono.  I can ...