

Responses from oddiofyl

Thiel is officially closed!!
Another iconic brand..... mismanaged,  and run into the ground..... 
shrink wrap film residue- how to remove
I'm sorry to say I think it's a chemical reaction that can not be remedied.    I have seen shrink wrap fog lexan display windows on the instruments i repair if left on too long or exposed to heat.   Thats why we use bags on everything, or their ca... 
Need help choosing speakers
Have you listened to either?  Buying speakers without auditioning them can sometimes be very disappointing.   Sometimes you get lucky but I strongly suggest listening to a number of different speakers  
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
Technics SL7... MIT cables.... Velodyne SMS 1 
Parasound Halo Integrated Buzz/Hum
Cable is the number cause for sure....  but i also had a weird buzz /hum I could not put my finger on.   It turned out to be one of those scent warmers that my wife plugs in all over the place.... 
Oppo105 crashing?
Good luck, it worked for me.... symptoms were freezing, unable to log into Netflix,  could not power off from remote or front panel.   It's a pain because waking it via wifi is nice but it's a great machine other than that.   Hope it works. 
Oppo105 crashing?
The OPPO 103 and 105 have a know bug wherein you can not set the machine to be in standby to be controlled via tablet or phone. You have to set the Standby mode to energy efficient ...Quick start , which allows your unit to be turned on via the Ap... 
McIntosh ma6900 a proper preamp to a Decware zen triode single endled tube amplifier?
I am also interested in the Decware Zen to use with my Heresy III....  I think Decware offers a trial.... Would love to hear users feedback on this amp also.  The 6900 is an integrated , but I would expect it to sound good through it's preouts.   ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
My Heresy III are about 9 feet apart... the sweet spot is in the middle 10 feet away, but i often sit in the corner about 7 feet away and the soundstage is still huge and the imaging is very good.   They are toed in just a bit and it actually soun... 
Throughly disappointed with my new Yamaha A-3000 Integrated.......
Good news, I have dealt with HiFi Heaven.... good guys Enjoy 
Bricasti M1 SE
Made right here in Massachusetts..... good stuff..... Enjoy 
For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
Since getting new speakers, I am going to retract what I said earlier. I said preamp , but mainly because I have always held the preamp as the most important electronic component. I have been experimenting with tube compliment in my amps and am st... 
EL34 equivalent tube types
I just retubed with the Mullard EL34 repops and 12ax7s and they really sound great in my Quicksilver Mid Mono amps....  
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
I am about a month into owning my Heresys as well and they sound fantastic with my Quicksilver Mid Monos. I was running KT 66 and it was time to replace so I tried the Mullard EL34 repops and along with Mullard 12ax7 input tube and Volshod 6n23eb ... 
Where were your audio components designed/engineered?
Preamp conrad - johnson Classic 2 SE designed and built in USAAmps. Quicksilver Mid Monos designed and built in USASpeakers Klipsch Heresy III designed and built in USADAC NAD M51 designed in Canada / GB made in ChinaSub REL designed in England ma...