

Responses from oddiofyl

Picking a Tube integrated amp
Be careful if you buy a used VTL.....  they don't treat you like a "real" customer if you need support. 
Picking a Tube integrated amp
Understood..... I thought the same thing before I bought my cj Classic preamp.   That is a great integrated amp for the money.   
Picking a Tube integrated amp
The c-j CAV 45 is really nice ..... 
Earliest "MOST WANTED" gear
My dad had a Sansui BA 2000 and CA 2000 amp and pre along with a TU 9900 tuner.   My first receiver was a 40 watt JVC but I soon replaced it with a Sansui AU 9900 int amp.....  it's still on use at my brothers house.I used to live near a place cal... 
mono block or bi-amps which would you pick?
Mono amps....   
Buying speakers ten or more years old a good idea?
Haha ,sorry didnt realize that thread was so old.... 
Buying speakers ten or more years old a good idea?
Unfortunately some speakers that are 10 years old no longer have parts available....some do.  But some have proprietary drivers that are long discontinued.   Especially a speaker like Thiel....  custom proprietary matched drivers .   B&W  CDM ... 
Why does all new pop music sound the same?
I'm not quite ready for a walker, and I do think there are some good new groups....Spoon, the Shins, Cage , all good stuff....I was really talking about the pop music that is constantly being regurgitated....U2 and Beck,  great artists....  you we... 
Why does all new pop music sound the same?
Jkotze.... you are right on the money...it's like a template or formula.   It's not great songwriting 
Why does all new pop music sound the same?
It's crap.....    My kids are 19 and 22.   Their choice in music is pretty bad.   Although my daughter likes some classic rock ...Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty,  so that's a good sign.... My son is into rap,  hip hop.....  I'm no prude , believe me but... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
For anyone that is uncertain if their 20 year old Krell or Levinson is still any good please send it to me and I will check it out and if necessary dispose of it in an environmentally safe way...... 
CJ Solid State Amp with McIntosh Tube Preamp
The new generation of McIntosh preamps are really nice.... it should sound great....please report back. 
Bluesound Node 2 and great customer service
I have had great support from NAD and PSB so that's good to hear as I am thinking about getting one and possiblya Vault 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
I am going to call out the next dealer that does that to me again...  it was such a turn off I didn't even buy the speaker in question.  Partly due to the fact I am in Boston and the closest venue to demo is in NY and NJ, but mainly due to dealers... 
Sunfire Classic Tube Pre-Amp
The Gold Lion 6922 is a great tube and is the only tube other than 6n23eb that has lasted more than a year in my c-j preamp..... sounds great and is quiet and rugged.   They are not cheap but I think they are worth it.