

Responses from oddiofyl

Legacy Studio HD
Jsl,   I often buy used too, but im thinking of buying a new pair.....would you still consifder them a great speaker at $1795? 
Legacy Studio HD
My room is small.....those amps drive my current 87 dB sen. speakers plenty loud for my tastes ,  i have other amps should i need more power but the Quicksilvers are my favorite.     
Legacy Studio HD
Thank jel.....  all the reviews say they are great.  Just wanted some feedback from real users.   Ill be using them with a pair of 50 watt tube amps. 
Which 6922 do you like for your CJ pre amp??
The 6h23 type 3 tube that upscale sells is a great tube.  The Gold Lion 6922 is really nice sounding.The best sounding tube was a Phillips / Mazda 6dj8 circa 1964 sourced from Brent Jesse.   Unfortunately it did not hold up like the aforementioned... 
Spearit Sound Inventory
Gonna miss those guys 
Is it possible to connect analogue radio to oppo
Sorry i forgot the 105 has coax and opt to... mono price and others have ATo D boxes that will work via coax or opt 
Is it possible to connect analogue radio to oppo
This will work through the hdmi inputhttps://www.monoprice.com/product?c_id=101&cp_id=10114&cs_id=1011404&p_id=4629&seq=1... 
Loud popping sounds after warm-up
I had an amp that popped intermittently and it was the caps....fortunately i pulled it out before any damage. 
Low output gain amplifier for ZU 101db Efficient speakers
It was the strangest sound , i initially thought it was serious  
Low output gain amplifier for ZU 101db Efficient speakers
My citcuits are dedicated,  they have their own breaker....that scent thing was in another room 
Low output gain amplifier for ZU 101db Efficient speakers
HiThe Quicksilver Horn Monos are great for sensitive speakers.  They have much less gain so your volume range on your pre will be normal   All of Mikes gear offers a lot for the money.  I understand the OP has very sensitive speakers but i wanted ... 
Tube upgrades for Prima Luna Prologue 1
I do not own your amp, but the new Tungsol 12ax7 is a great tube.   I have used it in a few components and it is one of the better new production.     
Kef 103/3 Reference sound problem + Hello everyone
The Speaker exchange maybe able to help you.....they are in Florida  
Kef 103/3 Reference sound problem + Hello everyone
Could also be the crossover....also try it without the Kube for troubleshooting    i lost the tweets on my Reference 2 when my wife cranked it up too loud.....both went at the same time... 
Which do I keep?
What sounds better to you?