

Responses from oddiofyl

Bluesound Node settings
Enjoy.   My first streamer was the Bluesound Vault 2i.   That machine changed my life...    I have never discovered so much great music in such a short time.    I still play LPs but find myself streaming most of the time.   Try them both.  When ... 
Eversolo a6 and Lampizator
The Eversolo is better than you would think at it's price.   I have always been a harsh critic of budget Chinese gear, but I have first hand experience with the A6 and it is pretty damn good as a streamer only .  I set one up in my Dad's system , ... 
Potentially Dumb Question on Aurender Models/Pricing A200 vs N200
I have a N200 and initially thought the same thing.   If you look at the inside of a N200 it's clear that its not just an A200 without a DAC.   A lot of that space is dedicated to the power supply and USB isolation.    I already had a great sound... 
Polishing a Micro Seiki RT 3000G Gunmetal platter
As Carlsbad noted, work up to finer abrasives. I like the 3m foam sanding pads for auto use.   1200, 3000, 5000.    5000 makes a lacquer finish look like glass.  3m makes sandpaper and pads for polishing / fine sanding from 1000 on up. 1200, 1500,... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Pete Yorn.    Day I Forgot  
Weakest link in my system
Huh????     That looks like a killer system.....  
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
So they have since update the original manual since I got mine...  
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
Do you by any chance have CAT 8 ethernet cable?   I had a different problem, not sure it was limited to the DAC where I had dropouts and noise.  Went back to cat 6 and problem solved.   I took that advice from a member here , not to use cat 8 for ... 
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
Any settings in the Electrocompeniet ?   Upsampling?   If so turn it  off.     
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
Try swapping Coax 1 for 2 and keep the Bluesound out of the loop while troubleshooting     
Oppo Blu-Ray Players in 2023
I still use an OPPO 103d to spin discs.    It's been a great machine , too bad OPPO got out of the game.    
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
Second year that it is on Part Time Audiophile's best of and buyers guide.  It was just named one of their values of the year  https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2023/12/15/2023-best-value-awards/  
Music server vs. external hard drive to DAC
RME is a fine DAC.    Only reason I sold mine is that my new Integrated has a DAC. I used it with a Bluesound Vault and it sounded excellent.  That DAC will be a good pairing , the Node sounds good through it's analog outs but will sound better th... 
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
Definitely put some hours on it just to make sure it's stable with both inputs when the device not is use is powered off and I think you will find it works fine.  Right now I have my Aurender connected via USB and Coax, TV with Toslink and no prob... 
Lab12 DAC1 Reference Problem
It's important to note that Stratos did reach out to me personally.   I just didn't like my dealers tone and refusal to believe I discovered that issue, to a level of troubleshooting that is easily repeatable.    So I contacted LAB 12 directly and...