Responses from oddiofyl
Uneven Temperature of 2-channel Parasound A23 Amp I don't know if you've had the cover off, but I picked up a B&K amp that was "running hot" on one side. There was nothing wrong with it at all, it was just not a Right/Left symetrical layout inside. The heat sinks and output transistors were a... | |
MJ Acoustics Subwoofers v. REL. I have a REL R 305 and like it a lot. It wasn't cheap ($1400 street) but it was better sounding than several more expensive subs. I have a 2.1 system and the R 305 sounds better than the Velodyne HGS 10 that it replaced, and that was no slouch. Th... | |
Risk in owning used McIntosh amps? Minimal risk, I bought a used Mac pre a few years ago and it was a great piece and it never had a problem. The new owner has had a year of trouble free use as well. Thirteen years without an issue is pretty good. They are built like tanks. | |
Cambridge Audio or Outlaw Audio? I heard the 2150 in NY a few years ago and wasn't all too impressed. It sounds like you want good stereo and surround playback. The Onkyo isn't bad but for a little more I think the Cambridge is a better sounding unit, the 540 is a nice sounding r... | |
What's the best power conditioner I like my Equi-tech Son of Q. I was fortunate to get it for free though, I don't know if I could part with that kind of cash for a power conditioner. To it's credit it did eliminate a nasty transformer hum from my previous amp. | |
tweaks that impress the unsuspecting One of the best tweeks bar none was the addition of an Auralex "SubDude" isolation platform for my sub. Best $50 ever spent on audio. Unbelieveable, kills any unwanted vibrations and resonances that muddy the sound. | |
What time do you wear? Omega DeVille and Rolex GMT II | |
Has the internet been good for audio? For the most part I only use the web to buy and sell used gear as it's the perfect venue. I use the web a lot when researching but I like supporting local dealers. Occasionally I will also buy new name brand gear via the internet. I recently purch... | |
How international is your system? Amp and Preamp - USADVD/SACD player - JapanTuner- CanadaTurntable- EnglandCartidge - GermanySpeakers - CanadaSub - EnglandDAC - USASub EQ (SMS-1) - ChinaHeadphones - GermanyPower Conditioner - USA | |
Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC The Channel Islands Audio VDA 2 DAC is an awesome DAC for the money ($599), I can not imagine better sound for the $$$. I can listen to it for hours on end. | |
Atlantic Technologies Subs You could do a lot better than Atlantic for a sub. | |
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive? Daily driver: 2002 Nissan Maxima Weekend ride: 86 Corvette$$$ no object: 2009 ZR1 Corvette | |
Personal amp evolution My first (integrated) amp was a Sansui AU 9900 which I still have. From there I had several Carver separates which for a kid in high school wasn't too bad. Those were replaced by an APT Holman pre and APT 1 amp. I then had a pair of B&K M200 S... | |
Snell vs PSB The PSB's are a better value and sound excellent. Snells are OK, they just don't suit my tastes. I've owned several pairs of PSB and they were all excellent especially at their price points. I currently have PSB Platinum M2s which I love. I picked... | |
Best bang-for-buck purchase you have made? Without a doubt my Channel Islands Audio VDA 2 DAC. Exceptional sound and build quality for $599. The price to performance ratio is high, you will spend much more to obtain better sound. I felt that it sounded better than the Benchmark, which whil... |