Wow I can't believe I just left off where I did! Since last I wrote several years ago I can't really keep track of everything but after the c-j 11a it went something like this:
1. c-j 11a
2. Air Tight ATM1
3. Cary 300B Sig monos
4. KR Audio VT320
5. Graaf GM5050
6. Deja Vu Audio Push-pull EL-34 Custom Amp (Current)
That is my total amp evolution after my c-j. In the interest of time, reader boredom, and writers cramp I'm leaving out preamps amd sources. I hope I can stop here as my system sounds great, but.....
1. c-j 11a
2. Air Tight ATM1
3. Cary 300B Sig monos
4. KR Audio VT320
5. Graaf GM5050
6. Deja Vu Audio Push-pull EL-34 Custom Amp (Current)
That is my total amp evolution after my c-j. In the interest of time, reader boredom, and writers cramp I'm leaving out preamps amd sources. I hope I can stop here as my system sounds great, but.....