

Responses from oddiofyl

$8k for speakers - new or used
Used,  can buy a lot of speaker with that budget   
Lucky to have seen him live ! One of the best ever....   was playing an original copy of Couldn't Stand the Weather the other night .   Why he's not on Rolling Stones top 10 is a mystery to me.   
The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD
I'm 57,  I was afraid they would stop making quality players.  I have a lot of CDs, 3 or 4 hundred at least.  Most I like all the way through...  Two weeks ago I bought a new transport and my CDs have never sounded so good.   I have purchased abo... 
Have you tested it with Radio Paradise or another streaming service , Audicy or similar?   
Just tested my Vault.  Has firmware from last week I think.  No issues. What device are you using?  
Connectivity Issue with McIntosh C2800 and MX121 – No Sound in Front Channels
When you turn the MX 121 it's trigger should putthe preamp into Pass-through.  No other functions work, it will say "Passthrough", the input is now unity gain   and the surround  processor will control volume   
Connectivity Issue with McIntosh C2800 and MX121 – No Sound in Front Channels
Give McIntosh a  call to confirm.  They were really helpful the last time I called them.    
Connectivity Issue with McIntosh C2800 and MX121 – No Sound in Front Channels
I think it is a 3.5mm  Mono plug.    I set my Dad's MA8950 up with an AVR and I'm pretty sure it was a Mono plug.   That is almost always the case with triggers   
So, I bought a Chord Hugo TT2...now what?
A caution to Mc and Chord owners.  Eversolo does not recognize mc DA2 card and some Chord DACs.  Some Accuphase too  
Small speaker advice
When I got divorced I boxed everything up and bought a desktop DAC , Grado RS2e headphones and a Quicksilver HP Amp.  Got me through some dark times.    When the dust settled I set everything back up once I had space.    
I have the N200.  Great  machine, support was great the few times I needed it.  Sounds excellent  Aurender just announced the A1000 a streamer /dac.  $3500.    Innuos is good too.  You should really try to demo in person if possible to get a feel... 
Word clock
Teac's 505t and 701t / 701 player have 10m input.     I think it only syncs to a 10m reference not word clock  
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
I just bought the Teac VRDS 701t Transport and it is a great machine. I’m using it with a LAB 12 DAC 1 Reference and it is a great sounding combo. Herb Reichert used the LTA with the 701t and here’s the link https://www.stereophile.com/content/g... 
Looking for comparisons between CD transports
Thanks !  I am loving it.    Major step forward from a universal player as a transport.   Wish I did it a while back but life, kids, college, etc kept budget in check.   I did have one dedicated transport years ago, it was an Audio Alchemy based o...