

Responses from oddiofyl

Burn in vs perception
I have long believed it is your ears acclimating to the new sound.   In the case of speaker surrounds I believe that is valid but it is a short break in.   Is it even enough of a change to perceive?    Not sure about that.  Example,   I just pick... 
How much hum is normal from a new tube amp
Lab12 is a good company and their products sound great.   The Music Room is a safe bet when you have a problem.   I just purchased a Cyrus integrated amp from them.   I had an issue that led me to believe the unit was defective.   It wasn't,  it w... 
Need Input on Higher End Soundbars
A cheap DAC with Toslink out of the TV may be a better solution if you like the Roksan combo.... Personally I think the words High End and Soundbar are mutually exclusive. I get really good sound through my system with the digital out to my DAC. ... 
Listen to a CD or LP in showroom?
Unfortunately that's how it is at a lot of dealers.   I demo'd my DAC through the Roon platform.  I didn't really like it's interface , but it allowed me to play way more tracks than I would have by bringing my material.   75 % of my listening is ... 
Tube arch
The getter turning brown does indicate the tube has a lot of hours. A lot. When I started playing with rectifiers and antique tube types I bought a tube tester. Best accessory ever.... Kept me from putting a bad new 5r4gy in my new 300b . Paid for... 
Which do u think is a better power amp? Cary Cad120s vs vtl st-150?
Many like VTL but their customer service is horrible towards people who buy used VTL.   Only company in 40 years in this hobby that I had a truly horrible experience with.    I have had only a handful of failures over the years.  Most gear is rel... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
ghdprentice, I totally get it... also have driven some real turds ..... when I had a young family I was very fiscally responsible to make sure they had everything they needed. Always put them first .... now they are adults and ask for nothing. Bu... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
I’m lucky , kids are grown , bills are low , hearing is still pretty good.    I make no apologies for any toys I buy.   I save for something I want , never buy anything I can’t pay for in cash ….     I also try to buy gear that is desirable at re... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
I’m just a blue collar guy that likes good HiFi.   I make concessions in other areas , work OT ,  live an otherwise frugal life   
The Snob Appeal Premium
I’ve always been aware that my gear is humble compared to many systems here.  As far as I’m concerned I don’t care if anyone thinks my audio indulgences are ridiculous.    They are not in comparison to many friends hobbies.   Their hobbies are way... 
Blue Sound Vault
Are you having it rip in FLAC or WAV ?   I believe there is a choice in the menu.    Funny thing about  the Vault, I ripped all of my discs, but I find myself streaming and using it's other features than playing my ripped files.   
HELP ... What NEW tubes would you select for a Manley Stingray?
I like JJ EL84.      
DAC Under $3000
Love my LAB 12 DAC 1 Ref.    Bought new,  traded a preamp toward it ,cost about $1600 out of pocket.    One of my most musically satisfying components ever.    
Lounge Audio
I know you didn’t want to call him out on the length of repair , but honestly he should have had it back in a few weeks. If his number of repairs prohibit him from prompt turn around and impede production that would give me serious pause to buy a ... 
Lounge Audio
I looked at several phono stages by small outfits.   I'm glad I ended up buying a Sutherland ....  Their entry level KC Vibe sounds great , I am trading up to a 20/20 in the near future .