

Responses from oddiofyl

To Raise or Not to Raise Heresy IV's
The Heresy IV is the first ported Heresy so you might be hearing some port noise, perhaps pulling it away from the wall will help  
To Raise or Not to Raise Heresy IV's
Tony , they could be too close to the rear wall or corner.  Make sure any tone controls are set to zero and mess around with placement  In my experience with H2 and H3 they work well on the floor, ru ning full range with the subs crossover low , ... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
I agree, cartridges and stylus are too fragile for me to invest heavily in.    Maybe that's why i like a good MM that I can replace the stylus on.  My table sounds very good with a 2M Bronze.    Where I will go from there , I'm not sure ....  MC ?... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
I usually will demo a speaker .... at shop or in home preferably.      I bought my last 4 pair at dealer after a demo.   I recently ordered a pair of Omega Super Alnico Monitor sight unseen.     I have a pair of Forte IV in my listening room and ... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
Sorry you are getting nowhere with them.   Thanks for the heads up, I wouldn't touch MoFi after reading this and that they also have a batch of noisy tables they are sticking people with.  
dacs that I have had in my system - a listing
That's a lot of DACs.....   what's your favorite or among your favorites.     
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
Sounds like you need a sub. That is not a very big room.  In a room i have that is similar size, my Sonus Faber Concerto play at pretty decent levels clearly with a 40 watt amp .   They have decent bass as low as they go down but they need a sub t... 
"Can You Lift Yours?"
I had my new Cyrus i7XR in my main room the last week or so and it sounded great with my Forte IV and Heresy…  It sounded even better with a pair of Sonus Faber Concerto.   I am impressed how this little integrated amp sounds.    It’s for a bedro... 
Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!
A speaker that I loved and really regret parting with is the PSB Platinum M2.   Foolish for selling and will buy again someday   
Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!
My Forte IV don't disappoint...   I do not see myself parting with these.   Maybe upgrade , but trade toward larger speaker.  Would probably just keep Sonus Faber Concerto.    I have a pair on long term loan.   Definitely keepers....  Hopefully I... 
"Can You Lift Yours?"
My latest and first solid state in 15 years weighs 11 pounds....   It sounds pretty amazing considering it is the size of a shoebox.   
Aurender Users
I love my N200.   It is built like a tank , sounds awesome, and has a great interface.   They just launched the Beta of V Tuner or V Radio ... whatever they call it.  It has a lot of great stations across the country you can add as presets.   You... 
Am I broken? Am I stuck? Do I have to return my audiophile card now?
I say do it ...  but as an owner of a RME adi2  I think it may be somewhat of a bottle neck.   It is a great little DAC no doubt,  but I think a better DAC that is on par with the rest of your gear would be a good move even if you don't upgrade th... 
Burn in vs perception
I honestly just put FM on or hit repeat for a while and consider it good to go.   I'm sitting here listening to a pair of well broken in Sonus Faber with my new Cyrus i7XR. Amp.      Sure it sounds better than day 1.  I'm using a pair of speakers... 
Any (new) Tube Testers that can be recommended?
Maxi Match but you need two.   One for preamp level and one for power tubes.   Amplitrex ....   $$$$